Category Archives: Challenge Attainment Northlan

Whole School Assembly 11 September 2015

We had a lovely time at assembly today. Great actions from the front of house to accompany fischy songs. Very confident individuals!

We launched the concept of mindset today. The pupils were amazed to know that they can learn anything if they have a certain type of mindset. We looked at what you might think if you had a growth mindset. We also looked at what you might think if you have a fixed mindset. We watched a video of a girl who was frightened to ski down a slope but she still managed to do it and was delighted with her achievement – a great example of a growth mindset. Then we watched a video of a girl who was learning to ride a bike. She went so far then gave up. She got angry and refused to try again even though she could do it – an example of a fixed mindset. The great thing about mindset is that we can change from having a fixed one to a growth one if we all use the same language. See the examples below as a starter and try these in school and at home. I am sure they will make a difference straight away!