P4/5 funny bones

We started our new topic, The Human Body, today. We introduced our topic through a scene from the film Harry Potter, in which Harry breaks his arm but has a spell cast upon him in which his bones disappear! We learned about the importance of the skeleton and can now identify some of the bones. Did you know we have 206 bones in our bodies?!

4 thoughts on “P4/5 funny bones”

  1. Wow! It looks like you had a lot of fun P4/5! I can’t believe that we have so many bones in our bodies! I have never broken any bones…well not yet…have you?

  2. Fantastic work P4/5! It looks like you are all working very hard to research and label the parts of the human body! I broke my collar bone when I was 8. Does any one in p4/5 know where you would find this bone?

  3. Poor you Miss Scott, the children in P4/5 should be able to tell you the correct name for your collar bone and where it is! I wonder who can remember?

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