Playground Safety

May we respectfully ask all parents to refrain from entering the school playground. In order to keep all children safe no adults should be present in the playground. Staff will continue to supervise the gates from 8.45am. Many thanks for your support with this very important issue.

2 thoughts on “Playground Safety”

  1. Hello,

    Can I just check the role of the staff on the gates after 8.45 am. Are they supposed to prevent children leaving the playground once they have gone into it?

    Thank you!

  2. Good Evening,
    The support staff are within the playground from 8.45am to supervise the children and gate. We respectfully ask parents not to enter the playground to allow us to monitor the children more closely. If there are reduced staff numbers then our P1-P3 gate is our priority. We ask children not to leave the playground after their parent/ carer have dropped them at the gate and approach a member of support staff to help them if they need to communicate with their parent/ carer. Please contact the school directly if you wish to discuss this further or have a concern.
    Mrs Lee Martin

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