Happy Easter

images-1              Dear All,

A big thank you to all parents, carers and friends of the school who attended our Easter Service this morning. The children performed and behaved beautifully and were a credit to you. We also raised £62.75 for Marie Curie Cancer Care and will be sending a cheque to them today. Well done to everyone and have a very Happy Easter.

One thought on “Happy Easter”

  1. We were disappointed at having to stand, with many others throughout the service – there were lots of seats with handbags or service sheets on them but those who were “hogging” these seats didn’t seem to have the manners to move up and let those standing use these seats – there was actually enough seats to have allowed everyone who was standing to sit down – perhaps in future someone could ask everyone to move up if there is a vacant seat next to them, it wasn’t appropriate for those standing to have to ask once the service had started. No sound system made most of what was being said inaudible. Quite rightly most of the young Mums had their pre-school children with them and as normal they became irritable after a time – had there been a sound system there would not have been a problem and the Mums would not have been embarrassed. Don’t want to sound a moan but attention to these two small problems could have made the service more enjoyable for all – I HAVE TO AGREE WITH YOUR COMMENTS REGARDING THE CHILDRENS’ PERMORMANCE AND BEHAVIOUR

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