Christmas Events 2015

Additional Christmas Events

 Sense Scotland Christmas Concert 23 November

25 of our pupils have been chosen to represent the school choir at a Christmas concert in aid of Sense Scotland. Letters were issued to the pupils chosen on 5 November. We are proud to be the only school choir from North Lanarkshire Council performing at this event alongside 4 other schools from other local authorities. The concert takes place in Glasgow City Chambers. Pupils can wear a Santa hat, tinsel or any other festive items they wish with their school uniform.

 Dress Down Day 27 November

There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 27 November. Pupils are asked to bring donations for the cake and candy stall at the Christmas Fair. Donations can be home made or shop bought.

Christmas Fair 28 November

Our P7 enterprise committee are working very hard to organise our Christmas Fair. The event will take place from 9.00am-12.00noon. Stalls will include cake and candy, a visit from Santa, tombola, wheel of fortune, face painting, hot dogs, raffle and lucky dip. All donations would be greatly received. Please come along and support our school!

 Sleeping Beauty Panto P1-3 (3 December) and P4-7 (14 December)

Our generous Parent Council have paid for the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ panto tickets to Cumbernauld Theatre. The panto runs from 1pm-2.45pm and the estimated arrival back at school is 3.15-3.30pm. Parents can wait in the hall from 3pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Could all parents support this event by making a donation of £3 to cover the cost of transport please? This can be paid from today onwards. Thank you in advance for your anticipated support with this.

Christmas Lunch 4 December

Please complete the attached tear off slip for Christmas lunch and return to school by Monday 23 November. The lunch costs £1.80 and parents are asked to ensure that their child has enough money on their card for this special meal.

P1 ‘Road to Bethlehem ‘9 December

Our P1 pupils have been invited to Moodiesburn Church Centre in the morning to participate in a special Christmas activity called the ‘Road to Bethlehem’.  The pupils will be split into groups and they will participate in different activities. There will be a sensory walk through Christmas trees, leading to the stable where the nativity shall be set up and the pupils will hear the nativity story.  There will also be other activities including crafts, songs and snack in the main hall.  We are looking for parents to accompany us to the event. If you can help, please let the P1 teachers know. Thanks.

 Evening Carol Service 10 December

Ms O’Neill is leading an ‘Evening Carol Service’ from 6.30pm-7.30pm on 10 December in the school hall. The infant and senior choirs will be performing and some of the choir members will be reading the Christmas story aloud. Our School Chaplain, Mark McKeown, will do a presentation at the service too. We are charging £3 a ticket (£1.50 for a child) to attend this event and tickets go on sale on Monday 23 November. One ticket will be allocated for each parent until Monday 30 November when the remaining tickets will go on general sale.

Nursery and P1 Nativity 16 December

Our nursery and P1 are joining together to perform ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. There will be two performances. The performances will start at 9.30am and 1.30pm and should last approximately 45 minutes. Please note doors will open 30 minutes before each performance. Tea, coffee and an opportunity to purchase enterprise products created by your child will be available at the end of each performance. Tickets will cost £3 (£1.50 for a child) and will go on sale on Monday 23 November.

 Other Christmas Events

Date School Event Details
7 Dec P7 Christmas Party Lunch for P1-3 & P7 from 12.00-12.45pm
8 Dec P6 Christmas Party Lunch for P1-3 & P6 from 12.00-12.45pm
9 Dec P6/7 Cinderella Chryston High School, from 9.45-10.45am.A bus will transport the pupils to and from the venue. 
9 Dec P5 Christmas Party Lunch for P1-3 & P5 from 12.00-12.45pm
11 Dec P4 Christmas Party Lunch for P1-3 & P4 from 12.00-12.45pm
14 Dec P3 Christmas Party Normal lunch for P1-3 from 12.00-12.45pm
15 Dec P2 Christmas Party Normal lunch for P1-3 from 12.00-12.45pm
17 Dec Joint Choir Event Moodiesburn Church Centre 1.30-2.30pm.Please collect pupils at 3pm as normal from the gates. 
18 Dec P1 Christmas Party Normal lunch for P1-3 from 12.00-12.45pm
21 Dec Christmas Service School hall from 9.30-10.30am
22 Dec School closes 2.30pm
6 Jan School re-opens 9am



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