Primary Six Homework Topic 1970s

Primary Six and The 1970s


This term P6 pupils will be reaserching a variety of information relating to the 1970s.  We will be using a variety of sources to find out about things such as fashion, music, sporting achievements, playground games, technology, decimlisation, local and world news events.

As a homework task, pupils have been asked to create a display of knowledge poster.   Children can either focus on one area or include a variety of their own choosing.  The layout is optional but should include relevant headings, graphics, photographs and some written detail.  Can I ask that posters be handed in by 23rd September please.

In class we have been learning to sing and dance to ‘Show me the way to Amarillo’ as well as learning about who The Bay City Rollers  were and learning  ‘Shang-a-lang’.   Not sure who is having the most fun!



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