Chalky Pictures

This blog was made by Bethany, jocelyn and  Lorna.

This morning after break we did chalk drawings of Albert Eistein. We had to do the drawing upside down it was hard and confusing. We  used white chalk and black paper.We had to be focused to do a good drawing  of him . it was really fun. I loved it so much  best art lesson ever. It turned  out very good for up side down art. Hope you enjoyed.

our learning morning and afternoon

This blog was made by Bethany and Jocelyn

This morning we done some literacy like handwriting and partner read some of us were doing describing tasks. Another group done a caracter  profile.

Before lunch we went to see the books that where for the book fair. People saw books they liked but they didnt have money . We like going to see the books heer are some of the most popular … vlog it ,star wars lego, little stars , bugs , fairys got talent,  winnie the wich  and sammy the kitten . Then we went back to class and played bingo we did a few rounds. there whas lots of yasssssssis because thay were geting lucky. They seemed pretty hard  and people were getting mad because they were not  that lucky. we did not get to play to game because we where making this blog . We hoped you enjoyed.

Our Arty afternoon

This afternoon we had Mrs Boaks for art we made Spring artistic pictures. W used tissue paper and PVA glue and that got every where.

image image image image image

Here are some of our thoughts for this afternoon:

Maggie- It was fun making the colourful colleges

Angus R- It was really messy and it was hard because the glue and after you had to wash your hands in hot water.

Keavie – I enjoyed using tissue paper to make a spring collage.

Josh – I thought art was fun and colourful.



Mixed numbers and improper fractions

image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image imageThis morning we used multilink to make some mixed numbers and improper fractions.


We had to think about how many pieces were in each cake and how many were left over.  If there were 4 pieces in the cake we were measuring in quarters and if there were three pieces in the cake it was thirds.


We disucussed that there is a numerator and denominator in a fraction.  The numerator is at the top and the denominator is the bottom.  In a proper fraction the denominator is bigger.  In an improper fraction the numerator is the biggest number.  The denominator decides how many pieces the whole number is split into.


We also used examples of chocolate bars on the smart board and it was in halves to begin with.  We knew this because each chocolate bar had 2 pieces. It got harder when the chocolate bar was in 4 pieces as this was quarters.  We had to use division to help us.

Some of the sums were fun to do but quite tricky.  We used our knowledge of times tables to help us too.

We have some photos of our work this morning to share.

What is Nurtured?

This morning we are looking at the word nurtured as it is our word for the month in Healthy.


We worked together to look at what it means and created a whole class definition.

Mrs Rae is very impressed with the words and phrases we used when creating our definition.


Have a read and see what you think…



Comes from the verb nurture.

It means caring, loving, having encouraging family and friends around you. You are being brought up well in a safe and caring environment and are being encouraged to take part in different activities.


We are now going to create a poster showing how we are or can be nurtured either in school or at home.

Fairtrade Friday

Today it is Fairtrade Friday.  There was stalls and the stalls were face paiting, fairtrade food tasting and colouring in and games that you had to to with a partner.  Then later on we had a quick assembly about what fairtrade is and how fair it is.



Here are some of our thoughts of today :


Joelyn – Jocelyn liked the video that we watched in the hall.

Josh  – Josh liked the food pots at the food tasting stall.

Grace  – Grace also liked the food tasting stall.

Evan – I  liked the video in the hall.

Carmen – I liked the face painting stall and I got a blue loveheart.


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