
On the 16th of May we went on our school trip on the Glasgow tour bus with p6/7.
Every one was having a great time. First we past Royal infirmary. The Royal infirmary has a new building and it is more popular than the older one. Our tour guide was Alistair Whitelaw. He was really nice and quite funny. He tested us on facts he had told us!
We went over the bridge of sighs to get to the necropolis and looked for some famous & rich people’s graves. And then we had a snack at the people palace and had a look around and went to the water fall and had a look around there. When we were walking round we got a little bit wet because the wind was blowing the water fall .
The p5 got to go to the top of the bus with the open top roof and every one was putting there hands up when we went under a bridge. We all got off at the riverside museum. Our favourite was seeing the old cars and the old street. Of course people liked the gift shop.

By Kyle Hannah P Abigail 😄


Today at P.E we were doing gymnastics and we’re concentrating on balance.  We were trying to be as still as we could on different balances.  We were asked to balance on a certain number of parts of our body and see how creative we could be.  Look at some of our balances….

A four part partner balance.


Making switches

Today in our electricity lesson we were learning about switches.  First we thought of different kinds of switches and how they work.  Some switches you push, some you pull, some twist and some slide.


Next we made some of our own switches.  We needed to use metals because they are conductors!


Conductors and insulators

Today we were learning about insulators and conductors. We know that insulators do not let your circuit carry on, but conductors let the electricity pass. We found out that pipe cleaners are conductors because they have metal inside and we also know that straws are an insulators because they are made of plastic. We tested out a lot of different things including feathers, pasta, material and scissors. We all had fun testing out different things and we hope we can do this again.

By Adrianna, Hannah Mac and Violet !



We have started learning about electricity. First we talked about things that have electricity supplied by mains like a plug. Then we looked things that worked with batteries. Some things can be mains or battery.

Next Mrs MacDonald gave us some wires, a bulb, a battery pack, a motor and a switch. We were to try to see if we could make the light switch on. We realised we needed batteries to power any circuit. We added in a switch and some managed to get the motor to work too.

It was fun making circuits!


Time presentations

We have been learning about time. Not just how to tell the time but more about what time really means. We thought about seconds, hours, minutes, days, months, years, decades, centuries and millenniums. We worked out exactly how old we were by thinking about how many days were in a month so we worked out our years, months and days. We used our multiplying skills to work out how many minutes were in hours and days, how many seconds were in days etc. It was fun problem solving!

We talked about different time pieces including sun dials, watches, analogue clocks, digital clocks, phones, fitbits….there are so many things that show us the time! In groups we took a time instrument and we made a presentation to ‘sell’ it. We used good persuasive language and body language to show our time piece was the best!!


World Book Day in P5

Today is world book day!

Today we watched a newsround video on world book day. It was about a schools library club winning national world book day and got over 100 books worth over 500 pounds!!!

Some of us brought in our favourite book to read throughout the day at school.

We took some photos of people with their books. We hope you also enjoyed world book day and keep reading!

By Gregor and Hannah M







Thinking Day

Today is thinking day. Thinking day is about other country’s and other people that are not as fortunate as us. We are all allowed to wear our brownie uniform to school. Also rainbows wear their uniform and guides wear their uniform and anchor boys wear theirs. We are Chryston brownies and other brownies do this like steps brownies and Moodiesburn brownies. On Thursday all the brownies will meet and do some activities for it together.


More tables!

Yesterday and today we did stations to help us with our tables. We weren’t learning anything new but it was challenging to remember our tables and try to be fast! We enjoyed doing the mixture of active games, sitting down games and the writing station where we recorded answers to sums. Big maths has been helping us with our tables too!

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