Week beginning 21/1/2014


On Monday we had maths and in maths we did division and the squares worked on 3 digit division sums with remainders. After break we had literacy, in literacy we read a book called Granny Nothing. We have read upto chapter 8 we also added facts to our visualisers and we added more to our learning logs.

For our topic we carried out some research on our local area on the laptops. We were finishing are posters on the local area. We also learnt Scottish poems and songs. We have also been researching transport systems in our local areas.


Today we read chapter 9 of Granny Nothing. Some of us went to trumpet lessons and we got a new song. We had maths and we learned about angles like 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees. In Literacy we made another visualiser of Granny Nothing.


On Wednesday we made a visualiser about characters from our new book Granny Nothing.  Some people got to do it on the I-pads, lucky them.

In maths the Squares have been learning about division with three digits and remainders.

In health and wellbeing we have been learning about Scottish food and we made posters including facts about food like haggis, mince, neaps and tatties.

And then we went down to the hall with p6 and p7 to see a play about Robert Burns by Hopscotch Theatre. Kerry, Matthew and Nathan from P6 got to help. We loved it. It was called Burns Last Supper and there were only two people acting. Ruth had to play thirteen parts. Matthew got to play a part too.


On Thursday we wrote a narrative story about Robert Burns. Then we dhad P.E. We were doing ball skills we practiced dribbling and passing to a moving target. In the afternoon we went into cooperative learning groups and made a Scottish flag using blue and white crepe paper, they look really good.

Week beginning 13/1/14


On Monday morning we had literacy and we created a visuliser of Granny Nothing we decided to fill in our visuliser over the weeks. We also had maths. In maths we got a compass and we found north, south, east and west and also learned that there are also northwest, northeast, south east and south west compass points. Next we had I.C.T when we were researching facts, songs and poems from our local area for our topic. Rachel M and Victoria found a poet from Chryston!


On Tuesday morning we went to stage assembly where we were finishing our new group posters. We had thought of names like I-PAD MINIONS, TECKY TOTS and DOGGY DRIVETHROUGH! Literacy was fun because we got to do the main points of Nanny Sue. For maths we had a maths check up so that Miss McGregor could see what we need to practice. Some people in our class are going to a cross-country club that is going to be outside whatever the weather. We hope the runners will have lots of fun!


On Wednesday we did story writing about an alien who came to our local area. We had to describe our local area but we could make up our own aliens. For maths we learned some new degrees such as 45 degrees, 135 degrees, 225 degrees and 315 degrees. Our poems for Scottish afternoon are the ‘Sair finger’ and ‘going home to Glasgow’. At gym we were working in circuits with more step ups!


First of all we did a summary of Nanny Sue using our main points and after that we had gym. At gym we are practicing our ball skills and today we are practicing tackling, it was great fun! To help us we played a game when some of us dribbled a ball around the hall and the others tried to tackle the balls off of us.


In the morning we did lots of different things such as tiling, updating our learning logs and updating photos on our e-portfolios.

After break we had a look at editing and looked at passages from James and the Giant Peach to try and spot things that needed editing.

Next we looked at speech marks and looked for speech in chapter 3 of our reading book. In the afternoon we made a new post in our e-portfolio about maths and what we have learned we also

practiced adding photos to our e-portfolios but it was easier than last week because a man came in and added I photo onto the laptops that didn’t have it. Some of us even added other posts. Why don’t you have a look at our e-portfolios on Glow?

Christmas party

P4 and 5 Christmas party!!!!!!

On Friday the 15th December we had our Christmas party!

We had lots of fun doing our Scottish dancing such as the Dashing White Sergeant, the Canadian Barn Dance and the Gay Gordons.

We also did modern dances like the Macarena and the Cha Cha Slide.

After the Macarena we had some games like pass the parcel, musical arms and the conga.

We were given some ice cream when we got put out of pass the parcel.

When we returned to the classroom we found a packet of crisps and some juice.  We went back to the hall and had a photo for the local newspaper.

Our party was very fun!

Week beginning 9th December 2013


On Monday in maths we worked on fractions for the first time. Also in maths we learned what fractions are! We can do whole fractions, mixed fractions and fractions. Some of us thought it was easy and some of us thought it was hard. We were making a box fold card and they all look fantastic. In literacy we were learning how to use apostrophes.


On Tuesday in literacy we learned about using commas in a list. We know where to use them in a list to describe people, things or a list of actions. In technology we made mouth fold Christmas pop up cards.


On Wednesday we were doing a spelling test on our spelling work. We also did a science project on the water cycle, looking at evaporation. We finished our mouth fold Christmas cards.

For maths we had 4 stations for our work on fractions, we had the I pads, a game, some work with Miss McGregor and some jotter work with Mrs Wordy, we are learning lots about fractions.


We made place mats for our Christmas party tomorrow and we got to complete our pop up cards. We also made Christmas cards with Mr Furlong in Gaelic so we have lots of cards to give to our families.

We have been working some more on fractions and it is getting easier, we like the way it links to our previous topic division.

2D shapes


With Mrs McIntyre we have been learning all about lots of different kinds of 2D shapes.

  1. Parallelogram

2.  Rhombus

3.  Kite

4.  Square

5.  Rectangle

We learned that these shapes are all quadrilaterals.

We also used nail boards and elastic bands to create

quadrilaterals and geo strips to make shapes.

We know that there are two kinds of kites.

A quadrilateral is a 4-sided shape.

Week beginning Monday 2nd December 2013

On Monday we did our new spelling words and we had to practice our words. We also went to our dance practice, we have already learned three dances; the dances are The Gay Gordon, Canadian Barn Dance and Dashing White Sergeant.

In maths the squares were looking at new vocabulary related to money and they looked at addition with money using decimal points. The circles had to work out if they could afford certain items.

In literacy the Burns did an individual read and visualisation of Sam. The Williams used inference and had an individual read.  Kindley were working with Miss McGregor to read the end of their book.

In the afternoon we completed a TASC wheel activity to create our own Christmas decorations and one group got to make a decoration for the top of the Christmas tree.

On Tuesday we had our stage assembly in the morning where we had to design a Christmas card and then they would shrink it down. We also practiced some Christmas songs. In literacy everybody finished their books and we all completed our tasks from yesterday. In numeracy we did gimme 5. We also looked at how to spend money in different ways. At the end of the day we made Christmas decorations for the class room there was different types of decorations to make.

On Wednesday we had our Scottish dancing, the girls choose the boys this time. We also had literacy where we made visualisers and listed the main points of our books. We have all finished our reading books this week. We have been doing some of our work on the I pads!

Christmas is coming up so we have a Christmas tree in our class and two advent calendars! We all got to put a decoration on the tree and hang our decorations that we made around the class.

We all have committees to work in on Wednesday afternoons; there is JRSO and global learning, media busters, healthy food group and Eco. After committees we made black and white symmetrical snowman pictures, they look great up on our class wall.

On Thursday we had Mrs Kyle in class. In the morning we had a dance practice and we got to look at some road safety equipment with Mrs Allan.  Today we also have Gaelic with Mr Furlong.  In literacy we made visualisers of our whole book.  In the afternoon we looked at what we have learned from our topic ‘The water cycle’, it was interesting to see what all the children in the class remembered about the water cycle.

Week beginning 25/11/13

On Monday we were learning our new money topic in maths. We have finished symmetry and we are now on to 2d objects.

We also had our assembly practice we are enjoying leaning about the human body and preparing for our assembly, it is going to be good.

On Tuesday we had stage assembly and a practice for our class assembly, it is looking really good. We were looking at money in maths and we got to bring in some foreign coins we had for the class to look at.

On Wednesday we had a visit from the author Stuart Reid he was telling us about horrible things in his books. He got 4 volunteers to throw chewy false teeth at him because in the book George opened the cupboard and loads of false teeth fell on him.

On Thursday we mad ediagrams of the wate cycle, we worked in apirs using a variety of materials. We also made mini water cycles to hang on our window, hopefully they will all show us the water cycle happening in our class! We had a dance practice for the Christmas party. We also had a dress rehearsal for our assembly tomorrow, it is looking great.

Week beginning 19/11/13

Week beginning 19/11/2013

Our new pupil came to join us on Tuesday his name is James. He has settled in very well and enjoying himself. He has made lots of friends.

On Wednesday we learned a new subject, it is division but with remainders.

On Thursday it was our last day of swimming at the Tryst. We really enjoyed ourselves and we got to give them the lovely cards that we made!!!

Everything we did was fun so a big thumbs up to the Tryst!!!!

The SPCA came to talk to us about Scottish wildlife, it was really interesting and we got to play a cool game too.

On Friday the hopscotch theatre came to see us, it was all about Cinderella. Everyone in the school had a great time at the pantomime, it was really funny.

Week beginning 11/11/2013

This week we got our assembly parts we can’t wait to do it in front of the school. Today James is coming to visit and will be joining our class next week we are very excited. We have a new topic it is called the water cycle and we have been searching for facts and can’t wait to find out more of this lovely topic. In our swimming we are doing very well in the big pool there is 15 people in the big pool. That is half of our class. In maths we are starting division, we are doing very well we know that we can turn the sum around to check the answer. With Mrs McIntyre we have been doing symmetry, we are doing the last of it but we have really enjoyed it. In literacy we have learned to do inference properly by using quotes and we can use I. Pads and computers and we do or spelling on spelling city. We have also done main ideas and visualisation. We are very successful in swimming no one is using armbands and we are very glad we are enjoying swimming but sadly it is our last week next week. We have made cards for the teachers and the bus driver.

It was Children in need on Friday and we all got to wear our onesies to school, we were lovely and warm!

We are very lucky in primary 5 because we are getting a new pupil James next week and we are getting a new helper, her name is Mrs Wordy we all think Mrs Wordy is very nice.

Week beginning 4/11/13

This week primary 5 have been very busy:

I.C.T: We used the I pads to do our phonics; we also played on spelling city. Then we got the computers to do a firework poem.


In P.E we played a game of dance tig, there was two catchers and 12 runners.

In swimming today we were doing breaststroke and backstroke we also did track starts on the board.

At school we are doing HOCKEY!!!! On Wednesday we played a real game of hockey.


We are doing lots of prior knowledge and main points The Burns group is doing lots of things on a little alien called splodge he is in the book called The Invisible Boy, the Walliams group is working on Charlie and Trevor in the book called the Hundred Mile an Hour Dog.

The Kidley group is working on new pages to read.

Bentley is work on spelling city and has been writing a summary of their book.


In maths we are doing times tables. We are practicing the 3,4,6,7,8,9, times tables. On Fridays we are doing symmetry with Mrs McIntyre.


In Gaelic we have learned all the colours, good night, good morning, some other words, and how to count to ten.

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