Numeracy week

Primary 5 have ben learning all about volume this week. We can now define the terms volume and capacity. We know that capacity is the maximum a container can hold.

We were outside on Tuesday estimating and measuring volumes using water. We also got to do a maths treasure hunt with multiplication sums. It gave us letters and we had to arrange the letters to spell out a word. It was ‘measurements’.

In class we have been practising using measuring jugs and reading scales, we know that we need to work out what each interval in the scale represents.
We have also been working on problem solving and word problems for volume. We created our own word problem for our friends and the teachers, some were really hard.

Everyone has been learning 2 facts for Mrs McIntyre. They are 6×7=42 and 6×9=54.

In between volume and problem solving we have also been doing our Gimme 5.
We have been learning how to do decimal points in our chimney sums; we know that after units there is a decimal and a tenths column.

We have also been focusing on numbers all around us. We all wrote a summary on the numbers that we use. We know that we need numbers to tell the time, to cook, to watch T.V, to buy things, to go to clubs and to get up in the morning. Some of us wrote about what we do in our day and how we need numbers to do some of the simple things in life, like cooking meals and driving, even just waking up in time for a job, school or something special. We also know that we need to manage our time and think about the duration of our activities and clubs. We all use in numbers in games that we play. We know how important maths is to us!

On Friday afternoon we had time in the hall to work with Mrs McIntyre on maths activities, we didn’t get a chance to complete them all so we will do that after our long weekend and post pictures on our class blog.

Maths week was a great week, we learned a lot and had so much fun.

week beginning 22/4/14

This week in maths we have been working on addition, subtraction and multiplication. The Squares were doing this with 5 digits, Circles with 4 digits and Triangles and Rectangles done 2 and 3 digits. In Literacy the Burns have been doing inference like the Walliams, Kindley did Comprehension and Visualisation and Bentley wrote a summary. We have also been reviewing all our spelling strategies from term 3. In taught writing we wrote a recount of our Easter break and we focused on our core targets.
In gym it was our last week doing circuits with Mrs Bokas. The circuits were the wall bars, tennis, basketball and step-ups. On Thursday we had Gymnastics. We practiced cartwheels, handstands, backward rolls, forward rolls, bunny hops, sit up, step-ups and push-ups.
We went to the fundraiser on Friday that was planned by The Health Committee. There was a bouncy castle, a hula hooping station, 6-pin bowling and beat the goalie. We had 7 mins at each station and it was great fun!
After treat break we had Miss Wallace for the rest of the afternoon and we were working on our e-Portfolios and our Learning Logs. We either did our Easter holidays or the fundraiser as our post. It was a very busy week.

Week Beginning 31/3/14

Week beginning 31/3/14


On Monday we got a surprise when the teacher told us we are getting a new boy in the class. We practiced function machines, a function machine is when you put a number in and it comes out different. In literacy we wrote our own summary when we chose a character from our reading book and wrote a short summary about them. We finished our HWB topic substances and we wrote an evaluation on the topic. We wrote about what we enjoyed and what we didn’t enjoy. We enjoyed learning all about the different drugs.


Today we continued our learning logs from last week. On Tuesday we did equations. Equation is a sum like 5 + _ = _ -5. After that we did our hymn practice with the primary 4. We are singing Spring Chicken and Celebrate. After break we have hymn practice with the whole school. We are singing Find a Little seed, Sing Out an Easter Song, Now Spring is here and Hosanna.
For literacy we had the laptops so we were able to word process the summaries that we wrote yesterday.
After lunch we were making smoothies from oranges, strawberries and other citrus fruits and ingredients. While half of the class were making smoothies the other half of the class were doing their spelling and were writing the recipe for the pizza that we made last week. The smoothies are the second thing that we have made in class.


On Wednesday we did equations. We learned how to make it equivalent, which is equal on both sides. We had to work out the missing numbers on both sides which was quite trick but Miss McGregor will give us extra practice. We also worked on our function machines again, we are getting really good at this ☺. Then we had Literacy and we all did a summary on our favourite character from our book and we typed it on a computer. After lunch we went to the hall to practice our songs with Primary 4. Miss McGregor gave us some exciting news; we are getting a new boy in our class. Then Miss McGregor read a chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate factory and we were all very sleepy. Then it was home time. ☺


On Thursday we all did metalinguistics any chapters of our book. Burns did chapter 7. Williams did chapter 5. Kindley read story 3. Bentley answered comprehension questions. We had to find tricky words and use the strategies we know to work out the meanings. We are getting really good at this.

We had our Easter service we sang Now Spring is Here, Hosanna, Sing out an Easter Song and Primary 4 and 5 got to sing Spring Chicken and Celebrate. Some of the children from primary 5, 6 and 7 played their trumpets for the guests; they were brilliant.

In maths we did show me on our whiteboards. We have been practicing function machines and finding half numbers. Miss McGregor always asks us multiplication questions too.

For topic we made a mind map of our topic Commonwealth Games. Our branches were History, Sports, Countries and 1 of our own. We had to write down everything that we have learned in our topic and arrange it into the different areas on our mind maps.

After lunch we made Easter cards and the new boy Logan came to visit. We and to crate patterns on our cards as we have been doing this in maths. Logan seems really nice and we cant wait for him to start primary 5 after the Easter break.


On Friday morning we were working on our maths with Miss McGregor because Mrs McIntyre was not teaching us today, we worked on sequences and patterns. First we got a sheet where we had to draw patterns with three colours but we could no use the pattern again on the whole sheet. Then we worked on our whiteboards at mental maths where Miss McGregor tells us a sum or a question and answer on our whiteboards. We completed worksheets with a partner on sequences and we had to make an uncompleted sequence for another pair to complete and discover the rule. We played a sequence game where you had to roll the dice and complete the sequence by adding on the number on the dice and then we wrote down the rule like +6.
After break we worked on our learning logs and we were including the information we learned today in maths. We did some Kodaly with Miss McGregor as Claire was at a concert today and we played lots of fun games like category, engine engine number 9 and a little dance. We had fun playing the drama game decision ally with Miss McGregor
In the afternoon we got to some lovely Easter art. We made symmetrical Easter eggs and then we got to make a pop out Easter bunny and then we coloured the egg in and soon its time for the Easter holiday.

Have a great Easter!

Week beginning 24/3/14

In maths we have started learning about sequences and patterns, we have been counting on in different sequences and trying to work out the rule to follow.  After break we had literacy. We looked at our new phoneme ‘s’ and we found lots of ways to write our phoneme. Then after lunch we did some artwork for spring. We made a patterned snail and a symmetrical ladybird to put on the walls and windows, the classroom will look lovely and colourful with all of these up.


Some of primary 5 attended cross-country finals they came the 30s and 40s but still well done. Well done to the other cross-country people from P6 and P7. In the morning we learned about FUNCTION MACHINES. In literacy we did partner dictation. In the afternoon half the class made PIZZA and the other half made posters on hygiene and safety rules. Then we swapped over. We all realise how important it is to follow the rules when we are cooking and we know we need to be clean and hygienic.


This morning we did taught writing using persuasive language. We wrote about why you should come to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. After break we did Gimme 5 and some work on function machines. Here is an example- in= 6 function= x7 out= 42. We also know that when you have only the function and the out number you need to use the inverse operation for example the out number was 42 and the function was x3 you would need to divide by 3 to get the in number which is 14. After lunch we went to stage assembly, which is normally on a Tuesday, but Mrs McIntyre was at the cross-country finals with some of the girls from our class and some of the boys from Primary 6. In stage assembly we learned about Earth Hour. We made wishes for the Planets future and coloured a star in. Then we practised our hymn songs.


Today we had hymn practice first thing to get ready fir our Easter service. Then when we came back to class we read a chapter of our reading books and worked on our reading strategies, Burns did comprehension. After break we had gym, we did forward and backwards rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and sequences then some went to the book fair to look at books. After lunch we made Mothers day cards and we did super stars. Miss McGregor read a chapter of our book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ it is getting really interesting


On Friday with Mrs McIntyre we were doing speech marks they are the most hardest things in the world!!!!!!!!!!. We were making the Simpsons say stuff and putting them in the right place and Mrs McIntyre would give out prizes for the ones that were absolutely perfect, using all capital letters, full stops, speech marks and new line-new speaker. While we were working Mrs McIntyre put a short BBC clip on about how to use and write direct speech and speech marks. We were also doing an apostrophe booklet there were 3 pages long. After we finished that we done a tracing Helter Skelter to improve our tracing skills and to make our writing neater.

week beginning 17/3/14


On Monday we did Literacy in the morning, some groups wrote main points and the other groups made visualise of characters from their book.

Then we had maths we look at timetables, planning our day and our week. Then we researched substances for HWB. We looked at Illegal drugs in our cooperative groups. We had to research what the drugs were and the affects that they could have on people if they took them. We also researched some of the laws with illegal drugs. Then we read a chapter of our book Charlie and the chocolate Factory.


On Tuesday we started doing our learning logs, then we went to Stage Assembly. In stage assembly we started making an advert for fair trade snacks and drinks. Then after break we did some literacy, some groups wrote main points and some groups used their main points from yesterday to write a summary


The first thing we did was taught writing. We practiced persuasive writing about why people should move to your town. We wrote an introduction, three paragraphs and a summary. After break we did maths and we worked on durations. Duration is a period of time. We also played on the I-pads and made a mind map about what we know. After lunch we went to our Chryston committees. All the committees have different subjects. We also had exiting news… 4 people in our class were taking part in the cross country race and… Laura is going to something with her choir!


Today we started off with literacy. The burns partner read and visualisation and Walliams wrote a summary using their main points from the other day. After break we had PE we were doing gymnastics and we had 5 stations to work around. We also did some of our old PE topic, ball skills. Station 1 was back and front rolls, Station 2 was walking along the bench and rolling onto a crash mat station 3 was bunny hops across the bench station 4 was learning to do a forward roll and last but not least station 5 was using the basket ball net to practice our ball skills.


Friday was very fun as we got to do a science experiment with Mrs McIntyre. We put 2 cm gummy bears in water for 5 hours to see what would happen. We also did some work on apostrophes. It was the P2 assembly and it was about pirates!!!!! The assembly was very funny. The P5 girl cross-country team has come in first place and on Tuesday are heading for the finals. We checked our bears at the end of the day and discovered they were now HUGE.

week beginning 10/3/14


In the morning we were practicing dictionary skills, learning how to find words and there meanings. The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order.

During maths we worked on time, we looked at the units used to measure time like seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

At the end of the day we had to write on our sheet for the effects that alcohol have on your body. We got a sheet with facts on it. We learned that with alcohol you can’t swim or you might drown we also had to do the affects that alcohol can have on behaviour and peoples feelings. We learned that it can make you paranoid and it can sometimes make you do silly things.


This morning we had stage assembly, we made snack packaging. We also had to design the logos and the company names and the back of it. You had to make sure that it had the ingredients displayed on it. After that we all went back to class for break time. Some groups got new books for literacy. As a group we all did prior knowledge. After lunch it was maths. In maths we did stations for time. One station was with Mrs Wordy using a stopwatch, there were I Pads at one station and a time game at another. On the fourth station we worked with Miss McGregor looking at 12 hour and 24 hour time. After that we had HWB, which means Health and wellbeing. We are learning about different situations and we had to decide if the situations were safe or unsafe.


In the morning we were working on active literacy. The groups who got there books yesterday did metalinguistics, which is finding the meaning to tricky words, and the other groups got there new books and wrote prior knowledge of them.

After break we were working on maths. Miss McGregor introduced duration to us and she was really pleased because we were all so good at it.

Mrs Bokas took us outside for PE today as it was such a nice day, we had different circuits to rotate around.


On Thursday we started our Learners Evaluation. We included lots of our learning since Christmas and we included the things we wanted to develop for maths and literacy. After break we had P.E and we were working on gymnastics again. We done this in stations that we rotated around, we practised our balances, jumps and backwards roles and we also practiced putting our weight on our hands at one station. After lunch we had maths and we went in our maths stations again, Mrs Woodward came in to see what we were learning. We worked on the iPads and we practiced our multiplication skills. Miss McGregor taught us some new learning about duration and we completed time word problems. We are getting really good at working out problems in maths.


On Friday with Mrs McIntyre we started our investigation booklet for science. We looked at reversible and irreversible changes on the computers and we played a game. We were preparing for our science investigation for next Friday. One experiment is about how long it takes to melt ice the other one is if you can expand gummy bears using water. We will be split into half to carry out both experiments

On the laptops we made an e portfolio update about speech marks and apostrophes.

Week beginning 3//3/14



In literacy we were creating fact sheets on the laptops working on non-fiction we done the work sheets with our partners.


In math we did time work sheets and we had to read anologue clocks. After that we did some board sums. The sums were  3 digit multiplication.


In the morning we went to stage assembly and we worked on fair trade. After break we worked on our keynote presentations, we are nearly finished them. We added videos and another page or pages on anything we wanted to.

After break we had drama focusing on what you would do if you found drugs. We were split into groups. The class watched other classmates perform.

After lunch we did some more work on our maths. Our topic is time. We worked on analogue and digital clock. We converted the time from analogue to digital. Lots of people found this easy.


In the morning we did some more work on non-fiction. We took notes of main information in non-fiction books. When we finished the note taking we completed a sheet about contents and index pages. Then we did our Learning Logs.

When we came in from break we did maths. we worked some more on time we had four different stations to move around. We had one worksheet to complete some of us had two. There was a game when you roll a dice and you take that many spaces if you can read the time you get to stay there if you can’t you go back to the start. Then we had the I. Pads that was our last station we were playing a telling the time quiz.


When came in we worked on our learning logs. In our leaning logs we put in our topic, math, literacy and P.E. Then we completed our keynote on The Commonwealth games.

There are 17 games. The Commonwealth games started in 1930. Bobby Robinson founded it. Clyde is the mascot. Beth Gilmore made Clyde. The Commonwealth games have 17 main sports at Glasgow 2014. Then we have gymnastics. In gymnastics we were learning how to do a forward and back roll on all sorts of apparatus such as a hot mat. We also worked on our jumps, beginnings and finishes. We done these in five stations that we rotated around. We were in groups of 3 or 4. Station 1 was backwards roll Station 2 was sequences, Station 3 was jumping of the horse Station 4 was doing forward rolls on the horse it was fun!!!!!

After lunch we finished off our Eco keynote presentation. We sent our Commonwealth keynote presentation to Miss McGregor`s mini I .pad so that we can print them off. We are going to present our Keynotes to P6.


We had an assembly in the morning. Then we moved all the tables and chairs because we thought Claire was coming but it turned out she was at a concert, so we had a talk about Internet safety. Our main focus was cyber bullying; we talked about things that have happened to us or things that we have done to other people. We talked about situations when our I pad, I Pod or any other things we are using have changed the text we were writing without us realising.  We also talked about social media things like Facebook, I message, flicker, YouTube, x box live and play station. We talked about mostly Facebook or I message and how we should use these sites.

Mrs McIntyre also gave us tips on how to make a safe password and we can change our Glow passwords using these steps.

Week beginning 24/2/14


Today we learned about time we did a worksheet that showed us the analogue clock and we had to work out the time in digital.

We worked on a keynote presentation for our new topic The Commonwealth Games. We worked in our cooperative learning groups.

After that we went to the stage to get in our positions for the Royal Rock stars concert on Wednesday, it is going to be great!


Today we did surveys in all of the classes about what was their favourite sport in the Commonwealth Games.

Today we also had stage assembly and we made a-z poems about a day out somewhere like the seaside or school. We done this in pairs or our whole group and we were lucky enough to get to pick our pairs.

After break we had literacy and we were learning more about non-fiction and we got out the laptops to make fact sheets on Microsoft Word about what non-fiction is. We included information about subtitles, glossaries, contents, fact boxes and an index. We looked at a book about the differences from non-fiction and fiction and we found out that non-fiction is factual and fiction is imaginary and non-fiction has a glossary, index and contents page. In maths we were learning about time.


In the morning we did our keynote presentation on the I pads it was about the Commonwealth games transport. After break we had taught writing. The class wrote about why they should be star pupil to persuade Miss McGregor to choose them.

After lunch we had some practice with clocks on telling the time, Miss McGregor gave us time sand we had to draw the hands on the clocks to show them.

Then it was our first Rockstar performance, it was fantastic.


In the morning we were just about to plunge into another lesson on non-fiction when the p4s offered us the I-pads so we did some more of out keynote presentations. In maths we were working on time, some of the class can write the 24 hour time.

In PE we had circuits using all the different ball skills we have been learning. We are all really good at ball control and have great coordination in PE.


It was eco day!!!!

On Friday we hade Eco day. we had lots of fun doing orienteering outside. We had to find all the clues to make a word the word was RECYCLE!

After that we made our own keynote presentation on litter, outside learning and waste. They were all fabulous. After break we went in to the hall and planted some plants and played games on the computer and in the afternoon we shared our learning with the whole school. It was really interesting to see what all the other classes have been doing.

week beginning 17/2/14


At the start of the day Miss McGregor told us that our class will be having the I-pads for 3 weeks. On the I-pads we played spelling city for literacy. We looked at Non-fiction and Fiction books. We looked at the differences between both types of books. In maths we looked at the weights of different objects such as polo mints and hand cream, we had to estimate the weights and then weigh each item using scales. We got to feel the weight of a kilogram, which is a bag of sugar.


At the start of the day we went to stage assembly and told Mrs Woodward our opinion of our school. For Literacy we looked ay Non-fiction books again. We looked at the definition of a dictionary, thesaurus, index page, glossary and a contents page. In the afternoon we had Royal Rockstars and they taught us 2 songs one called ‘Don’t give up’ and one called ‘Glad to be me’. Andy taught us the actions to the songs.


In the morning we had Taught writing whilst 10 people were away to cross-country. Well done to them! In Taught writing we were writing about a day out with someone, we had to focus on using our core targets correctly.

After break the cross-country runners came back they were SOAKED then we had some maths we were looking at measure we also finished of our posters on what we know about measure.


We worked on our keynote presentations today as we had the I pads. We added the history of the Commonwealth Games, we found out that it was founded in 1930.

For maths we finished weight and we looked at or new topic time.

In the afternoon we had our last practice of Royal Rockstars before we make our CD tomorrow. It is going to sound great.


On Friday morning we were looking at punctuation with Mrs McIntyre, we identified different parts of punctuation from a text.

Primary 3 performed their assembly for the whole school, it was on their Scottish topic and it was really interesting.

We also were working on speech marks and we learned that you take a new line when a new speaker comes.

In Kodally we played a game called cut the cake where we were in teams and we had to collect as many beanbags and balls as we could.

After lunch we had Royal Rockstars and we recorded our CD. The Royal Rockstars said we were great and very clear and we finished the CD very quickly.

Week beginning 24/1/14

On Friday we learned the S.A.S of quadrilaterals like a rhombus, parallelogram and a kite. After break we made comic strips!!!. Our book is called Granny Nothing. It is about Stephanie and Ewan. They only have one Granny at the start of the story but they find out they have another granny on their dad’s side of the family. We had R.M.E  after beak and we learned about Joseph. After lunch we got the laptops out to work on our e-portfolios.


On Monday we were learning how to write main points of a chapter rom our class book. This is where you write all the important things that has happened in the chapter.

We started looking at measure in maths and we looked at how to measure height, weight and area.

In the afternoon we researched our family tartan and drew it so that we can use it to make kilts next week.


In the morning we had stage assembly and we practiced our poems for Scottish month. We drew pictures of monster from our imagination.

We were working on metalinguistics for literacy where we had to find all the tricky words and work out what they actually meant.

In maths we continued to look at measure and we got to measure ourselves and see what height we all were, we used these measurements to estimate the height of other things in the classroom.


In taught writing we wrote reports in our town, Some people found it difficult at first to not write personal opinions but we got the hang of it in the end.

We had Chryston committees in the afternoon and we all got to meet with our committee and work on our individual tasks.


As we missed Kodaly last week we had it this morning, it was great fun. We were playing an African game where we had to pass sticks around the circle.

In PE we were playing tea games using all our large ball skills that we have been learning over the last few weeks.

In the afternoon we worked on our e portfolios and added new posts. They are starting to look really good.

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