Our Class Assembly

Friday was our class assembly. It went really well. We want to thank everyone that came to watch our assembly. We really enjoyed it and we hope you did too. We are very sad that we have now finished our topic but we had learned a lot of new facts and skills.

we have learned about French artists and their lives and we learned French songs. We know about different landmarks and can speak French.

we had French food for our guests and later on we got to try some ourselves. We tried some chocolate crepes, brioche and Madeira cake.

Here are our thoughts on our topic and things that we have learned that stick in our minds:

Rudi: I learned how to say different things in French.

Cate: we found out about different French artists.

Fraser: we learned that the Eiffel Tower was the tallest man made building for 41 years.

Heather: we found facts about Cannes, Bordeux, Paris and Braincon.

Gregor: I liked finding out information on Paul Cezanne.

Gabrielle: I learned how to say hello, how are you and our age.

Emma: I learned how different school is in France.

Erin: we learned about different events in France.

Jack: we learned French songs for our assembly.

P5 Swimming Adventure

Hi and welcome to p5 s  super  blog  we have been going swimming  every Tuesday  afternoon and we had so much fun and played a lot of games but obviously we were swimming too. We learned a lot of strokes including breast stroke and back stroke.

This week we were learning life saving skills. We all got certificates to show how well we have done. It was also great spending time with our P5 friends in P4/5.

Lewis, Bethany W, Leah and Jason.

Epic Update


Here is an overview of what we have been learning in the past few weeks.

In maths we have been going over our timets tables in our jotters. We have been been focusing on our three timetable in BIg Maths. We have been halving 300, 500, 700 and 900 too. Some of us  noticed that half of 70 is 35 and half of 700 is 350.

In RME we have made a coat of many colours for Joseph.

We have been learning about the story of Joseph and his brothers. We learned a song about this called Any Dream Will Do. This story is about being nice to others and making good decisions.

We are still working on our France topic. We have been learning how to mime. The number one rule for miming is no talking.

We have been miming different situations. This will help us with our assembly.

In science we have been learning about the watercycle. We have made our own watercylce diagrams. We learned that water evaporates into gas. We have noticed this happening at home too.

We have been learning the ‘j’ sound in our spelling. This has helped us spell some words better in our daily writing. We all have our reading books now. We are having an amazing time reading them. We have been using our reading strategies to help us understand the book a bit more.

We have been learning about the rhythm with our Kodaly teacher and also using the ABC music pack. We were using percussion instruments to learn about loud and soft. Some of us got to be the conductor which meant we controlled the sound everyone made with our hands.

We hope you visit our blog again soon!

Primary 5.

First Month of Primary 5


We have been learning how to say our name, age and count to ten in French. An interesting fact is that the French don’t use capital letters. There are a number of Landmarks in France these include Mont Blanc, The Eiffel Tower and The Louvre. The French flag is white, blue and red. The white represents the king and the blue and red represent Paris.


We have been learning place value. We have been looking at units, tens, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands. We are learning our three timetable. We have been writing our timetables as many times as we can in one minute.


We are all reading ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We have just finished chapter three of the book. We like the book so far it is very funny. The more chapters you read the more exciting it gets! We are making a booklet about France. The book explores languages, tourist attractions and landmarks.

Health and Wellbeing

We visit the Tryst every tuesday for swimming and it is totally awesome! We have been working on our passing and shooting in Hockey.

Get ready for the next blog!

Primary 5

Stirling castle

On Tuesday we all went to Stirling castle for our school trip. First we went into a house and we learned all about a day in the life of a Ladies Maid. We got a tour around the whole house, we really enjoyed it. The girls had olden days aprons on and the boys had old waistcoats. We saw the Earl and Countesses room; we saw the kitchen the Countesses private room and lots more. The funny part was in the olden days any time we seen the boys or they seen us we had to curtsy and they had to bow. Men and women had different jobs. Ladies were always doing the cooking, cleaning and washing men had to clean the stables and pick the vegetables. Last of all we did drama plays in our groups of 8 then we split into 4, we had to act out all the jobs of a ladies maid. After lunch we toured the castle in our groups of 8 and went to the gift shop. Everybody enjoyed it our and has fun meeting all the different people that work in the castle.

Robert even got knighted in the castle, so now we have to call him Sir Robert!

Working hard in primary 5 over the last 2 weeks

Week Beginning 26/5/14

In maths we have been revising direction. We are using compass points, degrees and anti clockwise. We played the direction game- terry turtle.

We have been doing our literacy strategies (eg. Summary, main points and visuliser). We are learning a new type of writing- explanative. You explain something.

In P.E have been playing tennis. We worked in pairs to have a mini match. We tried doing rallies and scoring points.

We were doing drama games in class. It was fun playing drama games like decision alley (a game were you had to persuade people to do/not to do something), Zip(when you had to say zip or boing around the circle really fast) and a miming game.


We have been learning about Jewish food laws. Food you can eat is Kosher and bad things are called Treyfah. Kosher is animals that have split hooves and chew there own cud, fish have to have fins, scales and gills and birds have not to be birds of prey. All dairy and plants are kosher. Meat and dairy do NOT go together.

Week beginning 2/6/14

We have been going over Division, fractions and decimals again. In division we have been learning how to find 2 thirds of 362 to make it easier we do it in division.

In literacy we have been learning about single or plural. The word cat becomes cats. We also learned the different rules you use to make words plural like adding ies to some words.

We were playing team games of rounders outside. It was fun sprinting round the cones and trying to win.

We were drawing castles and putting facts in them. They looked amazing. We learned that when we draw castles with rulers it looks better like a real castle!


We were making muesli and yogurt. We mixed different fruits and oats together to make the muesli and put chopped up bananas in lemon juice. We put the bananas and muesli in layers and then added yogurt on the top.

Hopscotch came to our school and put on a play about the commonwealth games. We learned that the British Empire became the commonwealth. P1s had an assembly about the 1960s. They did lots of 60s singing and dancing. It was interesting learning about life in the 60s.

Our science project was how fast ice could melt. Ice in warmer places melts fast and so does small ice. Also ice melts in different places like if it was beside a window it would melt faster and if it were in a freezer it would not melt at all.

We were making comic lives. We worked in pairs to make a comic about friendship. We had some fab ideas. We learned how to insert photos and speech bubbles.

Working hard before our long weekend

Week beginning 12/5/14

This week in maths we started learning about data handling. We are finding out about frequency tables. In these charts you use tally marks, tally marks are in groups of 5 so it’s easy to count. We made our own tables. It was fun to see what people like. We got out I pads and searched parts of a bar graph.

In literacy we have been learning about poems and the different types of poems you can get like acrostic, rhyming, riddles and some that end or start the same. Today we will write our own Cinquin poems. We did a book review on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We wrote about what we liked, what it was about, and things we didn’t like, favourite part and a diagram of your favourite part. We did a piece of writing on our topic about a magic castle.

In PE we were practicing our tennis skills in stations. The first station was under arm throw, then second station was keepy uppy with a tennis racquet and a ball, then the third station was bounce catch to a partner

We got the I pads for our topic and we were working in our co-operative learning groups to make our fact books. We are filling in pages and doing some research on some magical creatures and castles. We are allowed to choose the creatures that we research so each fact book will be different.

Week beginning 19/5/14

In topic we are still working on our fact books and they are coming on great! A spirit was a human that died and is now a ghost. The kraken is supposed to be a giant squid. One group learned that a unicorn horn can be used for medicine. The Lorax lives with the trees.

In maths we have been learning about data handling. We are looking at picto-graphs and bar charts. A picto-graph is when you use pictures for tally marks and a bar graph is lines. We made our own picto-charts and found out the results. We are learning how to read the information from graphs too.

In RE we have been learning about Islamic Food Laws and Kosher Food. We know that kosher food is allowed food and Treyfah is not. We know that to make a food Kosher it has to have split hooves and chew the cud if it is a land animal and if it lives in the sea it has to have scales, fins and gills. Treyfah foods include pigs, camels, birds of prey and rabbits. It is a rule to never eat dairy with meat. They normally wait around 3-6 hours before eating a dairy product after eating meat.


In PE we have been learning about tennis, we have been trying to do some different passes and throws. We have done keepie ups, working on our own and with partners. We have been working on passing to our partners without stopping and controlling how far we pass the ball during tennis.

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