Our Amazing First Week at School

This week we have made our own lego minifigure avatars to use as part of our individual points system.  To decide on our points system we used the tasc wheel and worked together to make up a system we thought would work.


We have been finding out about Vincent van Gogh and next week we are going to do some artwork inspired by him.

We have done a spelling test and maths assessment.  We quite enjoyed doing them because it was fun getting to see how we have learned over the years.  It was different to our normal work and time went really quickly!


Have a great weekend!



Welcome to Primary 5 – 2015-16

Here we are enjoying our second day in Primary 5.  Lots of active problem solving and thinking going on today!


We made obstacle courses in PE and had to create the obstacle course and then present it to the other groups.  We  then had fun trying out each obstacle course.


This afternoon we were set the task of designing an individual reward system for the class.  We used the TASC wheel to help us.  We discovered that TASC stands for Thinking Actively in a Social Context, which really means sharing our ideas and problems solving with others.466 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 463 462 461 460 459 476 475 473 471 470 469 468 467 465 464

Our Very Interesting Visitors


On Tuesday Stewart Collins and Adrian the Chef came to visit our class. They were here to tell us about lots of different kinds of meats. They asked us what meat and food we liked first of all. They made some dishes for us to try. He taught us how to sharpen a knife and the different ways you can chop things. You must always place your knife against your knuckles. That will stop you cutting yourself.

They made steak with potato pancakes and sauce, spring rolls and chicken curry with courgettes.  The food was lovely jumbly!

Anya: I loved the curry sauce.

Greg: I liked the chicken curry.

Cate: The steak was really nice.

Gregor: I liked the spring rolls because it had a nice texture.

Jason: I liked that the spring rolls had a bit of spice.

Gabrielle:: I liked the steak because it was juicy.

Leah: The curry was nice but it would be better if it was warmer.
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Pizza Makers!

Primary 5 have been exploring Food Function as part of our health topic. This week we got to make pizza! We followed the instructions and they came out perfectly!


There were lots of ingredients and some of us had to use extra flour for our base because it was too sticky. We used measurements like grams and millilitres . We started with the base. We had to mix it until it was doughy and then kneed it on the table. We made it into a circle and then began to at the toppings. We used mozzarella, tomato sauce and mixed herbs for the top. We used the oven in the staffroom to cook them.


We all got a quarter of our groups pizza. We got to take it home and there was even some left for Mrs Woodward! After trying it some of us thought it was quite plain. Next time we would like to add more toppings to change the flavour.

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Special Visitor

On Wednesday P5 had a very special visitor. Ruth from RES came to speak to us about wind farms and renewable energy.

We found out how long it can take to build a wind farm. It can take roughly 10 years to plan and build a wind farm. We found out what types of land you need to build a wind turbine. You need permission from the land owners to build and there could be constraints that stop you building.

In groups we tried to plan for our own wind farm. It was hard to do because there were so many constraints on the land. We had to keep away from rivers and pipes in the ground.

We got to make our own mini turbines and take them home! This was an amazing start to our day! We are very grateful that Ruth came in to tell us more about wind farms.

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Busy Tuesday!

Primary 5 were really busy yesterday. We had a debate on the pros and cons of wind energy. We used our research from the Internet to help us create an arguement. Overall we felt that we were against wind energy because solar could be cheaper.






We also also carried out some experiments with electricity. As a class we discussed safety rules beforehand. Then we created small circuits using buzzers, lamps, motors, batteries and wires. We found that our power supply could only support one component from our experiements. We also learned that a circuit must join together before you add the power source.

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Whitelee Wind Farm School Trip

Our topic in class is renewable energy. We visited Whitelee Wind Farm to find out more about wind energy. It is located in the Eaglesham Moors. It has 215 turbines that turn wind energy into electricity.

There are three different types of blades 40, 45 and 50 metres. The turbines are 110 and a 140 metres tall. All of the turbines can supply electricity for half of Glasgow. A wind turbine can spin up to 180 miles per hour but it depends on the speed of the wind. If you walked half of the farm it would be 10 miles.

While we were there we split into two groups to do some activities. At the learning hub we did the windworks experiment. We used a fan, metre stick, energy metre, light and mini turbine to find out the best amount and shape of blades on a turbine. There were spoon, paddle, square and rectangle blades to test. We had to make sure all the blades were angled at 40 degrees. We recorded all of our results and most groups found the spoon or the rectangle were the best to use. They don’t use these on the turbines though because they are too heavy. They use three paddle blades instead.

We also got to go on a tour of the farm with Andy. We found out that all the turbines have numbers. There are people that fix the blades but they have to be switched off for them to go inside. There is a transformer attached to the turbine that changes the energy. The nose of the turbine always faces the way the wind is blowing.

We really liked the tour of the turbines because we got to hear lots of interesting facts and we got to get up close and hug a turbine! We also liked the experiment because we got to use lots of equipment to find our results. It was fun to try an experiment we haven’t done before.

Warriors- Scottish Opera

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On Friday, P5-7 performed a show called The Warriors! It was set in China thousands of years ago and told the story of an emperor. Primary 5 had a great time and it was fun to be a part of it. We really enjoyed performing for everyone. We really liked the costumes and thought we looked good in them. We learned a lot of dance moves and positioning in only 2 hours! We played the brilliant builders in the story. Each group had a leader from the Scottish Opera to help us with our cues.


Fraser and Greg went home and searched for the emperor and found out it was a true story. They even saw pictures of his tomb with the terracotta warriors guarding him.

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