Homework Jan – Feb

Here is the home work for the next two weeks.


You wrote your phonemes on the sheet as appropriate for your group.

Blue – j phoneme words (j, ge, dge)

Red – oo phoneme words (oo, u-e, ew, ue, u)


Remember to try hard with your presentation in your jotters.  Each piece of work should have date and a title.  It looks really good if you underline these with a ruler.


Ask an adult to sign each piece of homework you do.


p5 homework january – feb

Glasgow Coat of Arms


Our new topic is Glasgow.  Today we looked at the Coat of Arms and found out what each part of it represents.


There are 5 main parts to the coat of arms.

They are:

The bird that never flew

The tree that never grew

The fish that never swam

The bell that never rang

St Mungo is the man at the top of the coat of arms.

St Mungo is the patron saint  of Glasgow.The tree, bird, fish and bell represent the 4 miracles that St Mungo performed in Glasgow.

Matthew – I enjoyed finding out the facts and creating a poster.

Angus – I enjoyed working with my partner on this task.

Grace – I enjoyed finding out things about Glasgow I didn’t know.



January Homework

Here is the homework for the next two weeks.

p5 homework january

Remember what we discussed today about presentation:

– Give every piece of work a date and title.

– Use a ruler to underline the date and title.

– Draw a line under a piece of work before starting a new piece of work.

(These are all rules we have in class for presentation too.)

– Ask an adult to sign each piece of work to show they have seen it.

Do your best work!


Primary 5’s Year So Far

Primary 5 have enjoyed their year so far. Here are so things we enjoyed as a class

We have enjoyed lots of arts and crafts. The first art we did was our all about me tops.

We have also enjoyed our learning with Mr Pollock.He teached us Division and did some reading with some of our reading groups.

We also enjoyed our Christmas party. We liked the games. We liked the pass the parcel when somebody got the parcel they had to go out of the game and go and get their ice cream.

We go swimming every Thursday.  We love it we or in 2 groups in the pool .  After we go swimming we go for pe and we enjoy pe.

On the last day we brought our own toys in we did not do anything but  play and we  wore our own clothes.


by Jocelyn  and Ava and Lorna

Christmas Jum

This afternoon we went down to the hall to do some activities. Some of the activities include  a nail bar, face painting, bake sale, computers and a photo booth. We all had a great time.

Here are some pictures of today

image image image image image imageHere are some of our thoughts

Abbi – I liked the activities and I loved seeing everyone’s jumbers

Josh – I enjoyed the stalls and there was really good service

Marty – I loved the bake sale the best

Ava – I loved everything today and I got my face paint done

By Carmen and Keavie





This afternoon we have found out about christingles. To show that we know we made some posters here are some of them.


image image


We will tell you

Keavie- A christingle is a orange with kabab sticks.

Jake-  The ribbon represents Christs blood.

Kali- The kabab sticks represents Christs creations.

Angus R- It is originally from Germany.

Ava- A Christingle is an orange that is decorated.


We will be learning more about every this over the next few weeks.

3D Shape Making

Today we made some 3D shapes. We also did a text book page on 3D shapes we had  to guess the what shape net it is. We also made polydron shapes we managed to make interesting shapes. We made different pyramids, cubes, cuboid and other shapes.

Taylor- I made a cube

Jordan-I made a trianangular prism

Kali- I made a square base pyramid

Jocelyn- I made a pyramid

Evan&James- We made a dodecahedron

Angus R- I made a pentagonal pyramid

Josh- I made a regular pyramid

By Lorna & Evanimage image image image image






Our Coding


We did some coding on the computers today.  Most of us chose to do a Minecraft game.  There were also other games such as Frozen and Star Wars.  We had to make lists of commands to make the characters do things like destroy blocks or shear sheep.  On the Star Wars one there were different headings of commands which made different things happen.

Each level got harder and some were timed.  Some of us made loop commands to make the characters do the same thing over and over again.  The blocks of code sometimes had options so you could chose which items you were going to place.

Matthew- I enjoyed getting the different objects and using commands.

Liam – I enjoyed the graphics

Jordan – I enjoyed working through the different levels.

Bethany – Ienjoyed it when it got harder!

Kali – I liked how it got harder each level.

Lewis – I enjoyed working out which way you had to go.

Jake – I enjoyed that when it got harder there were new obstacles to beat.

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