This morning we used multilink to make some mixed numbers and improper fractions.
We had to think about how many pieces were in each cake and how many were left over. If there were 4 pieces in the cake we were measuring in quarters and if there were three pieces in the cake it was thirds.
We disucussed that there is a numerator and denominator in a fraction. The numerator is at the top and the denominator is the bottom. In a proper fraction the denominator is bigger. In an improper fraction the numerator is the biggest number. The denominator decides how many pieces the whole number is split into.
We also used examples of chocolate bars on the smart board and it was in halves to begin with. We knew this because each chocolate bar had 2 pieces. It got harder when the chocolate bar was in 4 pieces as this was quarters. We had to use division to help us.
Some of the sums were fun to do but quite tricky. We used our knowledge of times tables to help us too.
We have some photos of our work this morning to share.