
Today we have been learning about Salah.  Salah is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and it is about prayer.  we looked at the powerpoint about the Five Pillars of Islam and we found out that it is about prayer and that Muslims have to wash parts of their body before they pray.  There are certain times to pray and Muslims pray 5 times a day. Muslims must face Mecca when they pray.


Then we were set a task to find out more information such as…

Which direction is Mecca from Chryston?

Why Muslims wash before they pray and which parts of the body are washed?

What times during the day do Muslims pray?


Here are our answers…

Mecca is south east from Chryston.  In our classroom that means we would have to face the back left corner of the room.

Muslims wash before praying because they should be clean before presenting themselves to their god.  They wash hands, feet and face.

Muslims pray before sunrise, when the sun is at its highest, in the afternoon, at sunset and in between sunset and midnight.


We used our internet searching skills to find out this information.  The hardest part was probably working out the direction of Mecca.


Today we have found out about Shahadah.  This is what we know now…

Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam.  Some people think it is the most important one.  It is something that muslims sing or say during prayers.  It is saying for muslims that there is only one god called Allah and his messenger is Mohammad.

Lewis – It is a symbol of faith for Muslims.

Matthew – It is a symbol of belief for Muslims.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Today we are starting a short block of learning about the Five Pillars of Islam.


Using our prior knowledge, here is what we think this will be about…

The word pillars is a word we already know.  A pillar is a big tall cylinder shape that holds things up.  Buildings can be held up by pillars.  We think that this means there are 5 things that muslims must do.  Like our golden rules in the playground.


This will be about the Islamic religion.  Muslims are people who believe in Islam.  Muslims’ worship in a Mosque.


We will tell you more about this as we learn.

Rescue Vehicles

This afternoon we looked at Rescue Vehicles as this is our new topic moving on from Renewable Energy.

Our task was to get into pairs and write down all the different types of organisations that use rescue vehicles, what the types of vehicles are and what they are used for.  Then we went onto the iPads to research to see if we had thought of all the rescue vehicles and to add any others we hadn’t thought of.

Here are some of our ideas from today…

Types of vehicles



fire engines

police cars

pick up trucks



quad bikes

motor bikes


Types of people who use them







Mountain Rescue


Forest Rangers


Check back soon to see what we have learned about rescue vehicles.

Using databases

Today we were practising our skills in searching online databases.

A database is something that stores information, often more than one type.

To help us to practise this we used the Argos website.  This was a good website because there are reviews, lots of options to search and lots of different ranges of items to buy.

Here are some of the things we looked for…

Kettle, white, less than £20

Hairdryer, black less than £15

Lego head

Vacuum – more than £200

Smart Television , More than £600

Football, more than £13

Gold necklace – most expensive

Laptop – between £400 and £500

The most expensive “Force Awakens” toy


We searched by relevance, by price in ascending and descending and we also searched for items in a certain price range.  We could refine our searches by using different terms.


We had a competition to find out if the teacher could find things in the catalogue faster than we could find it using the online database.  We found that the online database was much faster.  The teacher only beat us once but we think that was just good luck.

iPad Art

Today we are making wind farms on brushes (i pad) and we had fun making them.  We made them on land not water.  People did a sunset and some did during the day…   they are really good and some had some at front and some in background we made them as detailed as we can.  I found out how to layer things and how to make my own type of brush to give different effects.

Everyone found this task fun.

Keavie – I learned how to layer things.

Bethany – I learned if you zoom things in you can do more detail

Matthew – I learned that you can change the size of the paper.


written by Josh

Our Visit To Primary 1

This morning we went down to primary 1’s classroom to see the baby chicks.  We each got a turn to hold the baby chicks if we wanted too.

There are 9 baby chick 7 of them are girls and 2 of them are boys.  We all got to see how to hold them and Mrs Noble couldn’t remeber all of there names.

Here are some of our thoughts –

Josh – I held Peck Peck he snuggled into me.

Kali –  The one that I held fell asleep in my hand.

Jake – It felt fluffy and it tried to jump off me.

Jocelyn – I thought that they looked a bit creepy to me because there eyes were black.



By Carmen and behalf of Primary 5.  😄😄😄




Volume and Capacity

Today we started to look at volume and capacity.


First we wrote what we knew about volume and capacity on the smartboard.

Here are some of our keywords-


metric and imperial








We know that there are 1000 millilitres in a litre.  We looked up kilolitres and we found out that there are 1000 litres in a kilolitre.

In pairs we worked out a statement to tell the difference between volume and capacity.

Keavie and Angus R – The volume is how much is in a container and the capacity is how much it can hold.

Grace – The capacity stays the same but the volume can change.


We are looking forward to doing some more practical work on volume and capacity.


Our Fun Time at the Mobile Assault Course

This afternoon we went to the mobile assault course in the school hall. We had to climb, swing and jump.  We had to be really fast and strong to get over the wall as it got higher and higher every time we went round.  It eventually reached 6 foot high which is just over 2 metres high.

Here are some of the bits we enjoyed the most.

Lewis- Trying to push yourself up the wall.

Rachel – I enjoyed the wall because it was fun and challenging.

Angus – I enjoyed going on the rope because it was fast.

Liam – I liked the wall because I was the first one to manage to get over it at 6 foot.


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