On Friday we are performing Warriors, the Emperor’s Incredible Army to others. P5 s will be The Builders, P6 are the Soldiers and P7s are The Peasants. We will be performing alongside Scottish Opera singers. Roger came to work with us prior to the Easter holidays to improve our singing. We will be singing a variety of songs to tell the story about the emperor. The story is set in China 2000 years ago. Watch this space for further updates!
Author: Mrs McIntyre
I pads
Primary 5 have been learning how to use the I pads.
3D objects
Last term we were learning about 3D object. We learned about corners, edges and faces. We learned how to make 3D objects from nets and how to create 3D skeletons.
Welcome to Primary 5 2013/14
We are the new Primary 5. Our teacher is Miss McGregor. Mrs McIntyre takes our class on a Friday. This term our topic is Our Body. We have been doing a lot of co operative learning on this topic as we learn to work together effectively.
In taught writing lessons, we have written reports about bones and the senses. We know that we need to include a heading, an introduction, subheadings and diagrams in a good report.
In active literacy we have all been learning to use our reading strategies effectively whilst reading a novel as a class called – The Iron Man. We find inferencing the trickiest skill, but we will keep practising. This week we started our own group novels.
In Maths we have been continuing to build on our knowledge of place value and consolidating our addition and subtraction skills. We have also been revising our bonds to 100 and linking our addition and subtraction facts. We are also currently working on the properties of 3D objects and will move onto 2D shape followed by symmetry. Mrs McIntyre and Miss McGregor are very pleased with our progress so far.
How we made our Glasgow slideshows
First of all we clicked on keynote. We picked the design we wanted on the slides. After that we looked for pictures about Glasgow. We copied the images onto the keynotes and then we added the information. We changed the fonts and the transitions and we saved it to the desktop.
George square designs
We planned and created our own designs for George Square.
Haggis, neeps and tatties!
Glasgow keynote presentations
This month we have been learning all about Glasgow.
Over the last two weeks during ICT time, we have learned how to create keynote presentations.
We learned how to add and change images and text and to create transitions between the slides.
We saved them to our blog so you can see them. Unfortunately, they are PDF documents so you won’t be able to see the fancy transitions we learned to move between slides.
Click on the links to view some of our keynote presentations. Some won’t be uploaded, as they are still work in progress.
Our First Blog
We are learning how to use a blog. This is our first one. A new year’s resolution for our class is to remember our glow passwords and user names.