Week beginning 19/11/13

Week beginning 19/11/2013

Our new pupil came to join us on Tuesday his name is James. He has settled in very well and enjoying himself. He has made lots of friends.

On Wednesday we learned a new subject, it is division but with remainders.

On Thursday it was our last day of swimming at the Tryst. We really enjoyed ourselves and we got to give them the lovely cards that we made!!!

Everything we did was fun so a big thumbs up to the Tryst!!!!

The SPCA came to talk to us about Scottish wildlife, it was really interesting and we got to play a cool game too.

On Friday the hopscotch theatre came to see us, it was all about Cinderella. Everyone in the school had a great time at the pantomime, it was really funny.

Week beginning 11/11/2013

This week we got our assembly parts we can’t wait to do it in front of the school. Today James is coming to visit and will be joining our class next week we are very excited. We have a new topic it is called the water cycle and we have been searching for facts and can’t wait to find out more of this lovely topic. In our swimming we are doing very well in the big pool there is 15 people in the big pool. That is half of our class. In maths we are starting division, we are doing very well we know that we can turn the sum around to check the answer. With Mrs McIntyre we have been doing symmetry, we are doing the last of it but we have really enjoyed it. In literacy we have learned to do inference properly by using quotes and we can use I. Pads and computers and we do or spelling on spelling city. We have also done main ideas and visualisation. We are very successful in swimming no one is using armbands and we are very glad we are enjoying swimming but sadly it is our last week next week. We have made cards for the teachers and the bus driver.

It was Children in need on Friday and we all got to wear our onesies to school, we were lovely and warm!

We are very lucky in primary 5 because we are getting a new pupil James next week and we are getting a new helper, her name is Mrs Wordy we all think Mrs Wordy is very nice.

Week beginning 4/11/13

This week primary 5 have been very busy:

I.C.T: We used the I pads to do our phonics; we also played on spelling city. Then we got the computers to do a firework poem.


In P.E we played a game of dance tig, there was two catchers and 12 runners.

In swimming today we were doing breaststroke and backstroke we also did track starts on the board.

At school we are doing HOCKEY!!!! On Wednesday we played a real game of hockey.


We are doing lots of prior knowledge and main points The Burns group is doing lots of things on a little alien called splodge he is in the book called The Invisible Boy, the Walliams group is working on Charlie and Trevor in the book called the Hundred Mile an Hour Dog.

The Kidley group is working on new pages to read.

Bentley is work on spelling city and has been writing a summary of their book.


In maths we are doing times tables. We are practicing the 3,4,6,7,8,9, times tables. On Fridays we are doing symmetry with Mrs McIntyre.


In Gaelic we have learned all the colours, good night, good morning, some other words, and how to count to ten.

Week beginning 28/10/13

On Monday we created times table maths games for the rest of the class to play. We did maths, literacy and topic.

On Tuesday we found out our new topic, which is the water cycle. We also looked for Halloween songs and played Halloween games on the I- pads.

On Wednesday we completed our learning logs. We also are doing spelling on the computer, group reads and individual reads, inferences, summaries and main points.  And play maths games. We also done main points on the

I pads. We made positive and negative symmetrical pumpkins. At P.E we are doing hockey with Mrs Bokas.

On Thursday we go swimming. At swimming some people have got moved into the big pool. Group 1 & 2 have Jean & Lorraine. Today we learned life saving skills to save somebody in an emergency and we do P.E. We go to the tryst we had P.E with Emma, in the first 3 weeks we had dance and then we had Greg and we played handball. This is the first week we have had Tony and we started dance again. In dance we learned balances traveling moves and rotation moves. Later on in the day we published our favourite bit of work from our Daily writing jotter. We have worked very hard choosing our favourite piece of work.

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