Primary 5 have had a busy few weeks back at school. Here are some highlights!
We have been learned about fractions with Miss Walker. So far we have been identifying different fractions using pictures and numberlines. We have also been learning how to work out fraftions of qualitieds for e.g 1/3 of 60= 20. Next we will be moving onto exploring equivalent fractions.
In literacy we have been exploring feature of poems. We have learned about Onomatopoeia, alliteration, similes and metaphors. We also explored some poems written in old Scots by Robert Burns in preparation for our Scottish assembly.
Our topic this term is called Clyde In The Classroom. The launch was on Friday in the Science centre in Glasgow. Unfortunately we had to go home because of the weather but we are having a visitor out to the school soon to give us all the information we need.
Looking forward to hearing more about these fish! Clyde in the Classroom is a great topic.