Today we are making wind farms on brushes (i pad) and we had fun making them. We made them on land not water. People did a sunset and some did during the day… they are really good and some had some at front and some in background we made them as detailed as we can. I found out how to layer things and how to make my own type of brush to give different effects.
Everyone found this task fun.
Keavie – I learned how to layer things.
Bethany – I learned if you zoom things in you can do more detail
Matthew – I learned that you can change the size of the paper.
written by Josh
I enjoyed iPad art because I learned how to lots of things with brushes that I didn’t know that I could do.
I realy enjoyed doing this task because I learned that if you put a lock on a layer it meant that you couldn’t draw on it. I needed to zoom in to put the shadowing on the turbines. Next time I will try to use different brushes because I only used one cind of brush.😀
I liked iPad art because I learned lots of new thing to do. On brushes you can change the texture of your brush and create one too.