
Today we are looking at the idea of chance and uncertainty.  We are using the words possible, impossible, likely and unlikely.


First of all today, we flipped coins 20 times to see how many times we got heads or tails.  We made predictions before we started.  Lots of us predicted that we would get half heads and half tails.  No-one predicted that we would get 20 heads and no tails as we thought that was very unlikely.

Most of us got around half and half with a couple of people getting lots more tails than heads or heads than tails.  This is because there is a 1 in 2 chance that it will land on heads and a 1 in 2 chance it will land on tails.

here are some statements we have made using the words likely, unlikely, impossible and certain.


Bethany – I will eat Mrs Rae’s desk for lunch.

Keavie – I will become 50 years older tomorrow.

Josh – I will live on the sun.

Matthew – When I tell a lie my nose will grow.

Taylor – I will  become Ronaldo tomorrow.

Liam – I will blow up today.

Jordan – I will turn into an alien today.


Max – One minute after 2 o’clock it will be one minute past 2.

Jocelyn – I will breathe today.

Jake – I will go to bed tonight.



8 thoughts on “Probability”

  1. I liked that there was chance and you didn’t know what was going to happen. I didn’t like throwing the dice so many times because it is unlikely to get nearly 20 of the same. Next time I would like to flip the coin fewer times.

  2. I really enjoyed doing probability, my favourite part was when we drew tables in our jotters and our 3 titles in our tables were tails, heads and total. Then we got a coin each and flipped them 20 times, if we got tails we would do a tally mark under tails and same for heads. We all thought it was impossible to get 20 and 0. I attempted to try but I ended up with 11 heads and 9 tails. After that we just wrote 20 under total.

    Then we got our pupil books out and there were 8 questions that were either impossible, certain, likely or unlikely. When we completed that task we had to right 4 statements for impossible, certain, likely and unlikely. I really enjoyed these tasks and hope to do them again.

    Next time I will try to improve on picking a statement.

  3. Matthew, this is a great comment. You have some probability homework tasks this week so you will have a chance to make up more statements.

  4. How many times do you think you need to flip the coin to get a good sample of the probability of it being heads or tails? Can you think of any other ways we can test the probability of things happening?

  5. I’m sure on Monday I will go to school and learn . It is impossible I will explode on Monday 9 May 2016

  6. At the start i guessed i would get half and half but i didn’t get my guess. i didn’t like flipping the coin a lot because it kept going every where and i like geting my result. A different way of doing it is getting your partner to do yours and you do your partners.

  7. I enjoyed flinging the Coin and try to catch them as the were spinning on the table. It was an even chance of what side the coin landed on we all had an estimate and I put 10 heads and 10 tails and I was correct after we done that we go a book out and in the book thay were 8 question saying if it was certain or impossible for example I will land on the moon tomorrow fof impossible and an example for certain My birthday is on the 14th of May.

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