Electrical Circuit Symbols

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 16.32.00Today we used Glow to learn about electrical circuit symbols.  We watched a video about it and took some notes.  We downloaded a document from our class page to label and then we uploaded it back to our own class area.  After that we used our new understanding of circuit symbols to create circuits using circuit diagrams.


Look at our comments below to find out what we learned and what we found challenging this afternoon.

18 thoughts on “Electrical Circuit Symbols”

  1. Lorna and myself found it hard to light 2 light bulbs. We got the motor going but not the light bulbs.

    By Marty and Lorna

  2. We found hard trying to make a motor and two light bulbs to light.
    we did not have enough energy.
    by Evan and Taylor

  3. From AngusM and Rachel We enjoyed making the circuits and learning what the symbols meant. But it was very hard to make them so we made a motor and made our lego person spin.

  4. Me and Max found it really fun and challenging because when we were working as a group one of the light weren’t working when we attached the wires it wasn’t lighting up.

    Carmen and Max

  5. We all had lots of fun this afternoon.We all learned something new and had so much fun we would like to do it again. By Ava and Ben

  6. We learned what circuit symbols represent. We found it difficult to get enough power to some of the circuits.

  7. Joe and myself have been trying to light a bulb . Joe and myself struggled to get all the wires and the motor wired up together

  8. Chris thinks it was fun and I learned more about circuits than I already did.

    Jordan thinks it was very fun and I learned that the first time you use the ecuipment you might have change them.

  9. We enjoyed learning about circuit symbols and making them. We learned all the circuit symbols witch we thought was cracking. We were challenged because it was difficult to join them.

    By Bethany and Isla

  10. Our group found it hard to get two lights and a motor on at the same time.

    By Matthew and abbi

  11. we learned all the circuit symbols.one thing we found tricky was trying to light two light bulbs.by kali and liam

  12. when doing this task we found easy naming the symbols. We found hard making the circuits because the batteries where not working. We cant wait for the next task

    by james and luka

  13. I enjoyed our electrical afternoon making our circuits my group tried to get 2 light bulbs to light up with a motor but it did not work. We think that if we add 1 more battery pack to get more power flowing through the wires. It was really liked when the other groups got the 2 bulbs to light up because you would hear one mighty scream !!!

  14. I had lots of fun but everything got out of hand. I learned lots about a circiut. Some others was a motar, a buzzer, switch and how to make light bulbs work.i love our electricity topic because we can use ITC.

  15. I now understand the symbols and I can now make a circuit using them. I would like to learn some more symbols to make different circuits.

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