On Monday we were learning our new money topic in maths. We have finished symmetry and we are now on to 2d objects.
We also had our assembly practice we are enjoying leaning about the human body and preparing for our assembly, it is going to be good.
On Tuesday we had stage assembly and a practice for our class assembly, it is looking really good. We were looking at money in maths and we got to bring in some foreign coins we had for the class to look at.
On Wednesday we had a visit from the author Stuart Reid he was telling us about horrible things in his books. He got 4 volunteers to throw chewy false teeth at him because in the book George opened the cupboard and loads of false teeth fell on him.
On Thursday we mad ediagrams of the wate cycle, we worked in apirs using a variety of materials. We also made mini water cycles to hang on our window, hopefully they will all show us the water cycle happening in our class! We had a dance practice for the Christmas party. We also had a dress rehearsal for our assembly tomorrow, it is looking great.