Spring Artwork

Springtime is here now that it is March. We know that it is spring because we can see flowers growing and lots of little creatures coming out.

Last week we decided to create some spring artwork. We created our very own snazzy snails. We had a paper plate and we had to stick squares of tissue paper onto the paper plate to make the shell. We used some green paper to make the body and we used straws to make antennae.

This week we made pictures of spring tulips. We had to put our sponges in the paint to print on the sky and the grass. We used forks to print the shape of the tulip flower. We didn’t believe Mrs Noble when she told us what to do but it worked and we think you artwork looks great!

Andrew – It was very fun and I liked puting the paint on the forks.

Erin – I enjoyed puting the tissue paper on the snazzy snails.

Klea – I liked puting paint on the paper with the sponge.

Ryan – I liked puting on the straws to make the snails and I liked sticking on the multicoloured pieces of paper multicoloured pieces of paper.image image image image image image image image.


Copy Cats in Gymnastics

This week we have been copy cats in our gymnastics learning. We had to work with a partner to create a routine and do it together at the same time. We were jumping, rolling and balancing with our partners. We had to be like a mirror image.

We figured out that it was easier to jump at the same time when we counted. We jumped on the count of 3. We also worked out that we had to talk to our partners to tell them what we were thinking to make this task easier.

It was good fun to use our new gymnastics skill this way.


Red Nose Day!

It is Red Nose Day today. We had to give £1 to wear our casual clothes. We had to try to wear red clothes. We had to make our faces funny for money. We think our faces are very funny.

At assembly the whole school sang ‘Making Funny Faces’ for Red Nose Day. Mrs Woodward took a whole school selfie. Even the parents had to make funny faces.

This afternoon Mrs Noble, Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Woodward came into our class with primary 1. Some of the children painted their faces to make them look very funny.

To finish Red Nose Day we visited the bake sale and bought some of the home baking. The cakes were yummy.

We have had great fun for Red Nose Day.

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For P.E. we are learning all about gymnastics just now. We have been learning about balancing, rolling, jumping and travelling. We used mats, crash mats, the horse and the benches to practice our new skills. We have been working hard at gym time and working with each other to help to keep each other safe.

We have been putting our new skills together to create our own gymnastics routines using lots of the gymnastic equipment.

Adam – I loved doing our forward rolls.

Klea – I liked practicing different ways to travel.

Benjamin – I liked doing the walking, balances and walking on top of the horses.

Rhys – I really liked the obstacle course to practice jumping, balancing, travelling and rolling.

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Golden Vegetable Soup

Today we worked hard to make Golden Vegetable Soup. The first two groups peeled and chopped the carrots for our soup. The next group chopped up the turnip. They thought that it was very hard to chop. The next group chopped up the leeks. The last group are chopping the potatoes and putting the water and the stock in the pots to make the soup.

We had to cook the vegetables in the pot with the water for about 40 minutes. We used a hand blender to make our soup nice and smooth. We added in some milk to make our soup golden in colour and nice and creamy.

When our soup was ready we got to eat it and some of us added some parsley on top to finish it off. We made two pots of soup and we ate it all. We didn’t even leave any for Mrs Noble or Mrs Hadden.

14 of the boys and girls in our class enjoyed our soup. We are all proud that we tried something new even if we didn’t like it.

Erin – I enjoyed cutting up the turnip and it was hard to cut it up.

Adam – I enjoyed chopping the carrots for the soup.

Conor – I liked cutting the carrots.

William – I didn’t like our soup today but I am happy that I tried it.

Benjamin – I loved eating the soup.

Daniel – I didn’t like eating the soup today but I liked cutting up the carrots even although it was tricky.

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Vegetable Kebabs

We made honeyed vegetable kebabs on Wednesday.  We had to get ready to cook.  We had to wash our hands, we had to put on our aprons, some of us had to tie up our hair and Mrs Noble had to take her jewellery off.  This week Mrs Noble taught us a strange trick for washing our hands properly.  She told us that we had to sing Happy Birthday to ourselves  and wash every part of our hands.

We had to cut up all of our vegetables.  We learned that to chop  safely we need to make a bridge with our hand and to slice safely we had to make a claw.  We made a marinade with honey, oil and a little lemon juice and we put all of our chopped up vegetable into it.  We had to put the pieces onto the skewers to make he kebabs.  We had to put them into the oven and the last thing we got to do was eat them.

Conor – I liked the potatoes because they were yummy.

Lewis – I didn’t like putting the vegetables on the skewers but I did like cutting the vegetable up.

Jason – I only liked the peppers but I am pleased that I tried it.

Klea – I didn’t like the red peppers but I liked puting the vegetables on the skewers.

Adam – I did not like the taste on mine but I liked puting my hands into the bowl because it was all sticky.

Daniel – I didn’t like the yellow peppers but I liked puting the vegetables on the skewers.

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Chryston’s Cafe in P1/2

We made a cafe in our imaginative area.  We put in pretend food and even tomato sauce and mustard.  We have a till and money to help us learn how to use money.  We can have a turn at being the waitor or waitress and can write down orders for our customers.  We have got menus for the customers to read.  We have to change our special on the chalk board.

Caiden – I paid with a £2 coin.

Rhys – I can pay with £2.50

Ryan – I know how to take orders correctly and can ask what the customers want.

Eva – I have enjoyed playing the cafe.

Ewan – I know how to pay with a £5 note.


Learning About Money

This week we have started to learn all about money.

Primary 1 have been exploring money. We played a game called magic land if we landed on a magic wand we had to spin the spinner and choose the correct coin. Another game that we enjoyed was Market Street. We had to buy things with money from our purse and sometimes the shop keeper had to give us change.

Primary 2 have been learning how to put money into the right order. We learned that the £2 is the biggest coin that we can use and the 1p coin is the smallest. We created our own poster to teach someone about the order of the coins. We played a game called journey across. We had to move across the money board landing on higher or lower coins.

Benjamin – I enjoyed counting all of my pennies.

Daniel – I liked making our posters to show the order of the coins.

Jason – I liked our journey across game.

Klea – My favourite thing this week was playing with the money in the till.

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We started to think about our new topic. We are going to be learning all about vegetables and where they come from. We worked in groups to think of all the vegetables that we know and we drew what we thought they looked like.  We thought about what we wanted to find out during our topic and here are some of the questions we are going to try to answer.

How do tomatoes grow?

Where do carrots come from?

Do potatoes come from Scotland?

Where do beans come from?

Where do mushrooms come from?

Where do baked potatoes come from?

How do vegetables get to our supermarket?

Where do all of our vegetables come from?

What is the scanner for in the supermarket?

Where do chillies come from?


Melting Ice Science Investigation

Today we were doing our melting ice experiment. We tested what makes ice melt. We tested whether hot or cold made a difference to how quickly ice melts and we tested whether the size of an ice cube changes how fast it melts. We used special jugs called measuring jugs that show us millilitres and funnels. We have learned that we can use millilitres to measure liquid like water.




The ice cubes that we left in the hot place melted first. We noticed that the funnel in the hot place looked like the mirror at home when it steams up. The ice cubes in the cold place were still quite big. We noticed that they melted a little bit. Today’s experiment has taught us that ice melts the fastest in a hot place.




We are surprised with the big ice cube because it is melting faster that the little ice cube. We know that the big ice cube is melting faster because there is more water in the big ice cubes jug, we know this because the water in this jug is rising faster. We still think that the little ice cube will be gone first but we are shocked that the big ice cube is melting faster.


Dionne – I enjoyed working in Mrs Noble’s team to keep an eye on the ice in the hot place.

Ewan – I enjoyed going outside to see how fast the ice cubes were melting in the cold place.

Caiden – I learned what a funnel was.

Ryan – I enjoyed looking at the measuring jug to see how much they had melted.

Rhys – The big ice cube jug is getting more water.

Klea – I enjoyed using real ice. It felt cold.

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