Good Afternoon,
I hope you all had a great Easter holiday. It has been lovely hearing all the exciting holiday stories today. I can’t believe we are already in term 4. This is another busy term with lots to get through.
The children have the new homework in their bags. This will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to class every Friday. The homework pack includes a printed version of the choosing grid and on the back is a list of active spelling strategies and suggested websites for you to keep in a safe place at home. This won’t be reprinted as you can access it here:
It is designed to offer more flexibility as to how many tasks you/your child select each week. the tasks/skills and websites that your child has completed can be recorded on in the space provided on the weekly A5 homework checklist. The children can also colour in a smiley face once they have completed their school reading book each night. Within the pack is the maths worksheet. Please ensure your child brings their new homework wallet to school on a Friday so that the new weekly checklist can be added and new homework sheet inserted to avoid lots of loose paper getting lost.
Please see below the weekly checklist for week beg: 16th April
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Kinloch
Carys loves the new homework.