We have been busy learning all about Fractions. We all know about halves and that they can be written in numbers like 1/2. We can find half of a shape by splitting or cutting it into two equal halves which means they both need to look the same. P2 know that to find 1/4 of a shape you need to spilt it into 4 equal parts and this can be a bit trickier.
We also know how to half a number. We worked with a partner to half some even numbers up to 30. Miss Kinloch taught us a trick, ‘one to me and one to you’. We know that both people should end up with the same number. P2 are going to be learning how to 1/4 a number very soon!
Great work! You are doing so well in your learning. Keep up the good work.
Fantastic Work p1/2