The children who reside within North Lanarkshire, and will be five years of age on or before the end of February of the ensuing year should be registered at the appropriate primary school for their areausually mid January.
Information regarding times and dates will be advertised in local shops and local press. Anyone wishing information may do so by telephoning the school and arranging an appointment with the Head Teacher.
Parents wishing to visit the school prior to enrolling should telephone the Head Teacher to arrange a mutually suitable time.
These arrangements also apply to children wishing to enter the Gaelic Stream. The Gaelic Stream is a provision for all pupils who live in North Lanarkshire. Parents should register their child at their local school and then tick the box to enrol their child for Gaelic education at Condorrat Primary.
You can find more information from the North Lanarkshire Council website here: School Admissions