Condorrat Primary has four houses within the school. Each child is allocated a house when they come into the school and remain in this house until they leave. The children in each house try to gather as many house points as possible to help their house win the House Cup and also the Sports Cup.
Each year those children in Primary 7 who would like to be Captains or Vice-Captains put their names forward to be included in the voting process. The children within each house then vote for their Captain and Vice-Captain for the coming year. It is their job to encourage their house to collect points and to put together activities for the termly house assemblies.
BURNS CAPTAINS: Vivienne (C) Lacey (VC) Lydia (VC) |
BRUCE CAPTAINS: Lucy (C) Amelia (VC) Archie (VC) |
FLEMING CAPTAINS: Emily (C) Nicholas (VC) |
MacKINTOSH CAPTAINS: Matthew (C) Lomond (VC) |
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