Category Archives: News

New Autism Online Resource

A North Lanarkshire virtual network, set up by HOPE for Autism, has just been launched.

It is free to join and is open to anyone on the autism spectrum, their families and carers, plus North Lanarkshire employees engaged in this work.

Please see the press release below:

Press Release – North Lan Autism Network Launch 161015

To become a member of this network you first need to join Autism Network Scotland. Membership is free and you can do this by completing the online membership form. Simply choose the North Lanarkshire Virtual Network as one of your options as you complete the membership form.

Resources include a Facebook Page

Dyslexia Awareness Week – 2nd – 9th November 2015

The SfL Department will be driving the “Dyslexia Awareness” week commencing Monday 2nd November.dyslexia

Making Sense of Dyslexia

The theme of this year’s Dyslexia Awareness Week is ‘Making Sense of Dyslexia’, be it at home, in the workplace, at school or somewhere else (Dyslexia Scotland) 

A pilot group of Coltness pupils have completed a questionnaire looking at how best they can be supported.  They will also be involved in a joint curricular exercise taking place between SfL and Technologies to create a “Dyslexia Friendly” noticeboard with the aim of raising awareness of dyslexia across the school.

If you require any further information about dyslexia support please contact any member of staff in the Dept.

Visit to Greenhead Moss – Monday 2-11-15

Greenhead MossOn Monday 2nd November, the 3rd Year ASDAN groups will be visiting Greenhead Moss Community Nature Park. It will be a great opportunity to explore the woodlands and wetlands area on the edge of Cambusnethan with a Park Ranger. We will learn about the Country Code,  the different wildlife and plants there as well as a few stories about the park’s history.

More information about Greenhead Moss can be found by clicking here

The pupils require suitable footwear for a good walk, a waterproof jacket and a snack. We intend to leave at 9.30 am and return at 12.00 pm.

This activity covers challenge 3A from the Sport & Leisure section of the ASDAN course.

Activities in October & November 2015

Soon we will be starting our annual Shoebox appeal for Operation Christmas Child. If you have any spare shoeboxes, please send them into the department. Items for collection will be small toys, stationery, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps, flannels, combs, hats, gloves etc. More details to follow.

OCC logo




Welcome Back

Smily FaceWelcome back to Support for Learning in 2015/16. We especially welcome our new 1st Year pupils and the new 3rd Year ASDAN classes. We look forward to learning and working together on some exciting activities.

Parents and pupils of all years are very welcome to contact any of the Support for Learning staff if you need any specific advice. Remember to use the website links too.

Ravenscraig Visit – January 2015

Ravenscraig273The ASDAN group enjoyed a very interesting tour of Ravenscraig Regional Sports Complex. They watched the Scotland Rugby 7s squad training on free weights, a French School of Sport squad training on the indoor football pitches and a very busy local schools gymnastics competition in the big hall. During the visit, the pupils completed a questionnaire about all of the facilities that Ravenscraig has available for all ages. Finally, they received a brief talk from Mr James Marshall who is the Group Catering Manager for NLC about the importance of eating the right foods for whatever sport they are doing. Altogether, a very worthwhile and enjoyable visit!

Greenhead Moss, Wishaw Visit – August 2014


The S3/4 ASDAN group visited Greenhead Moss on Monday 11th September. Our guide, Aileen McKean was very helpful and told the pupils and staff lots of information about the history of the Moss and the plans for future conservation. It was an excellent walk as we found out more about the creation of this Community Nature Reserve and Park in 1999.

It used to mainly be an open cast mine and later a landfill site but some local people worked very hard to make it a welcoming place for nature lovers. Local volunteers are still helping to look after the Reserve including removing trees from the peat bogs. It was amazing to find out deep the peat bogs are from the Stratographic Stairway and ramp. We visited the Perchy Pond and learned about many different types of wildlife around the reserve from Roe deer to dragonflies!

Aileen also told us about the wee cottage occupied by a Dutch family 100 years ago who discovered the Cambusnethan Bog Body – the body and clothing (thought to be of a covenantor) were so well preserved that it is now in Kelvingrove Museum.

Altogether it was a very worthwhile visit which the pupils really enjoyed. Special thanks are due to our excellent guide.

Armed Forces Memorial, Belhaven Park Visit – September 2014


The S3/4 ASDAN group visited the newly opened Armed Forces Memorial Garden in Belhaven Park on Monday 18th September.The pupils respectfully laid a spray at the memorial for the Lanarkshire Yeomanry.

They were also very keen to find out more information on WW1, WW2 and later conflicts by reading each of the six boards and filling in quiz answers. This information will be used as part of their further study in the lead up to the school Remembrance Evening on 11 November.

It was lovely to receive an email from Mr Campbell Thomson of the Lanarkshire Yeomanry thanking the pupils for their tribute.

2014/15 Trips So Far

This year we have visited Greenhead Moss, the Armed Forces Memorial in Belhaven Park so far. We are looking forward to visiting the Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility in January.

Click on the Gallery for some photographs.