Partial Solar Eclipse – 20 March 2015


The S3 ASDAN group tried to see the partial solar eclipse this morning at 9.30 am  but unfortunately it was a bit too cloudy in Lanarkshire. We had prepared for this rare event by doing some research on what happens during an eclipse and Mrs Bihet explained what was going to happen using a PowerPoint presentation. 95% of the sun was going to look like it was covered by the moon.

It was still quite an exciting lesson because we enjoyed a special Eclipse breakfast of croissants and orange juice whilst watching the build up on television. Sean Batty’s programme on STV was great. We found out what some other Scottish schools were doing and how the Glasgow Science Centre was getting ready.

We made pinhole cameras because we had been advised not to look directly at the sun without special glasses.

When we went out in the playground there were some other classes there already. It was cloudy and cold – brrrr – but after 9.35 am we noticed that the sky had started to brighten and expected it to get a bit warmer.

The bell rang for P2 so off to class we went – but it was an experience to remember as the next partial solar eclipse is not until 2026!