
At Coatbridge High School we offer a transition programme to ensure pupils entering the school have a positive experience in relation to: 

  • Their emotional wellbeing
  • Their relationships
  • Their physical environment of the school
  • The curriculum
  • The structure of the day

Transition from primary to secondary can be daunting for both pupils and parents. At Coatbridge High School we offer a very extensive and high quality transition programme to alleviate these fears. Individual departments work with both P6 and P7 pupils to ensure a smooth transition and familiarity. In addition our Pupils Support department and Support for Learning department work closely with P7 class teachers and outside agencies to ensure appropriate provisions are put in place for pupils starting at Coatbridge High School.

Throughout the year we offer a variety of activities which are designed to ease transition from primary to secondary. This session our transition programme is being delivered virtually in line with current government guidelines. Lessons are being provided for pupils within their primary settings. As a result of this we have been able to provide greater access to the curriculum than in previous years. In addition, a number of video messages have been sent by pupils and key members of staff to allow pupils to become familiar with staff, subjects and the expectations of secondary school.

Enhanced Transition 

Staff from Coatbridge High School work closely with our 10 partner primaries during P6 & 7 to ensure that pupils with additional support needs receive an enhanced transition. This includes additional planning, multi-agency meetings and visits to the school (visits are currently subject to government guidelines).

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or would like more information on the P7 transition then please complete the form below.