S1/S2 HE

Welcome to the BGE Home Economics Page

All our BGE courses cover outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence.
Primarily covering areas from Health & Wellbeing and Technologies.


Our S1 pupils have a double period each week within Home Economics. Our course covers the content of both food and textile technology. The structure of our S1 course is based ¾ year on Food and ¼ year on textiles.

For our food course of work, pupils will work through the following units

Ready Steady Cook
Introduction to Hygiene & Safety
Kitchen Equipment & Exploring the food room
Weighing and measuring
License to Cook
Introduction to the cooker
Hob, grill & oven
Kitchen Equipment
Safety rules
Baking Delights
Methods of cake making
Skills & techniques
Cookery Methods
Kitchen Equipment
The Eatwell Guide
Dietary Illnesses
Design and make a healthy snack.

Our textile unit concludes our S1 course and it covers the following;

Sew Good
Tools & Equipment
Safety Rules
Basic construction techniques
Design & make a cushion.

S1 Recipe Booklet click here:  s1 recipe book


Throughout S2 pupils spend 1 single period per week in the department. Time is spent studying design, food and textiles. The course structure is the same as S1 with ¾ year primarily focused around food and pupils will cook every second week. The remaining ¼ of the year in S2 is spent on textile technology. Units covered throughout S2 are as follows;

Foods around the world
This unit focuses on –
Individual needs
Pupils will learn about the dietary needs of different individuals. The three main groups covered are Toodlers & young children, adolescents/ teenagers and Vegetarians.

Street Food
Throughout this unit pupils will look at the product development process.
They will get the opportunity to work in groups to research, design, develop and make their own food product. This unit is an Interdisciplinary project throughout the school and pupils will work on the following;

Home Economics – Creating product & recipe
Technical – Creating promotional materials & packaging
Music – Creating a jingle for product
Modern Languages – Translating the recipe
P.E – Burning calories
ICT – Creating advertisement & recipe card
Science –
Humanities – Food miles of ingredients

On our annual health day pupils host their very own street food festival to showcase all of their fantastic work within departments. Each class has their own stall with a variety of food samples to taste. In addition to this variety of pupil workshops are hosted on the day, thanks to our links with Food and drinks federation Scotland, Pender’s Butchers, QMS and Sandro’s.

Sock Monkey’s
Pupils will use a pair of socks to create a sock monkey. This unit will allow pupils to further develop confidence in machine sewing in addition to learning basic hand sewing techniques.

Chef of the Week
Cookery Club


S2 Recipe Booklet click here