The teachers at Coatbridge High have put together some messages of support to our pupils. To view the messages, click on the images below:
Health & Wellbeing App
To help support our young people’s wellbeing we have been working hard to develop an app that both pupils and parents can use. The app will launch Monday 25th January for S1 pupils and parents and details on how to download this can be seen below. It will be used to signpost pupils and parents to health and wellbeing resources they can choose to use in order to promote, positive mental and physical health as well as resilience and self confidence. Download now in time for the content being released on Monday!
Watch this video for instructions on how to login.
Teams Support Session
Join us on Thursday 21st January at 8pm for a Microsoft Teams support sessions for parents. Use the following code to join the parent team: ofl9knw
December Newsletter
The December edition of our newsletter is now available for you to view and download.
Updated Prelim Timetable
The January timetable has been updated. Please see the full timetable below:
Higher Exam Cancellation
See the letter below for more information regarding the cancellation of Higher exams.
January Prelim Diet
The January prelim timetable is attached. These exams will take place in class and will happen at the normal time that you get each of the subjects listed. Please check with your teacher for further details.
e-Sgoil Webinars
From Monday 23rd November, e-Sgoil will expand their programme of weekly Study Support webinars that will span 19 of the NQ courses available on Scholar.
December Prelim Diet
The December prelim timetable is attached. These exams will take place in class and will happen at the normal time that you get each of the subjects listed. Please check with your teacher for further details. Some prelims will also happen in January. This timetable will be uploaded before the end of the session.
SQA’s Awards Procedure
See the link below for more information on the SQA’s awards procedure: SQASettingTheGrade2018