Author Archives: Miss Keane

Assistant Support Worker Opportunity

Below is a link to a really exciting job opportunity for 20 young people aged 16-24 for the position of Assistant Support Worker within CLD. These posts are funded through the same SG Youth Guarantee monies I emailed you about at the beginning of the week. Applicants should be qualified to SCQF level 4 (my understanding is that this is not essential). Closing date is 1 March 2021. Posts funded until 31 March 2022. An absolutely brilliant opportunity for 20 of our young people.

S5 Return to School Timetable

Please find a copy of the return to school timetable for S5 below. I would ask you to note the following –

  • week A and week B are different.
  • Due to restrictions on numbers, full classes sometimes cannot attend and therefore classes have been put into groups for this reason. Pupils should check their class Team to find out which group that they are in.
  • Pupils should attend their subject at the correct group and column time if a subject is on the timetable twice.

S5 Timetable

S4 Return to School Timetable

The documents below contain a copy of the return to school timetable for S4. I would ask you to note the following –

  • Week A and week B are different.
  • Due to restrictions on numbers, full classes sometimes cannot attend and therefore classes have been put into groups for this reason. Pupils should check their class Team to find out which group that they are in.
  • Pupils should attend their subject at the correct group and column time if a subject is on the timetable twice.

S4 Timetables

Schools update 16.2.21

Following confirmation from the First Minister, all children attending early years establishments (those eligible will continue to receive  1140 hours), pupils in primaries 1 to 3 and a small number of senior pupils on a limited basis will return to schools and centres from Monday 22 February 2021.
This includes children and young people in additional support needs (ASN) schools.

Early Years: All children should return to centres and nurseries as normal including partner providers.

P1-3: All children should return to school as normal including ASN pupils. School transport will be in place for those who are eligible. For those in composite classes, only children in P3 should attend school and those in P4 will be taught via online learning. All children in P1-3 will receive universal free school meal provision on return to school.

Please note that shielding children and young people should continue to shield under current lockdown guidelines, unless otherwise directed by a clinician.

Senior phase: Schools will be in touch with young people directly to outline when they should attend school to complete critical practical work in relation to qualifications. There will only ever be around 5-8% of the secondary school roll in school at any one time (excluding vulnerable children and key worker children). Arrangements will be made locally but for those who are eligible for school transport, this will be in place twice a day (morning and afternoon) and pupils should attend normal pick-up points. Those who are eligible for taxi transport, normal arrangements will resume from Monday 22 February.

Senior phase pupils in S4-6 are reminded that they must ensure they maintain two-metre social distancing in school and on school transport, as well as adhering to normal restrictions outside of school. School meals will be available for purchase (free for those who are eligible). In addition, at-home lateral flow testing kits will be available to senior phase pupils twice a week through their school and schools will be in direct contact to outline arrangements for distribution.

ASN pupils: Head teachers will be in touch directly with parents/carers of ASN children and young people in S4-6 to work with them to agree arrangements for in-school support should it be required. For those who are eligible for transport (taxi or ASN transport), the school or transport operator will be in touch to make arrangements.

Schools continue to remain open to provide learning and support for vulnerable children and children of key workers only.

Health & Wellbeing App

To help support our young people’s wellbeing we have been working hard to develop an app that both pupils and parents can use. The app will launch Monday 25th January for S1 pupils and parents and details on how to download this can be seen below. It will be used to signpost pupils and parents to health and wellbeing resources they can choose to use in order to promote, positive mental and physical health as well as resilience and self confidence. Download now in time for the content being released on Monday!

Watch this video for instructions on how to login.