Parental Involvement

Why is parental engagement important?

“Parents and families are the most important and influential people in children and young people’s lives, and are central to achieving our aims of raising attainment for all and closing the attainment gap. We will support all schools to further improve parental engagement and develop family learning programmes that support children’s progress and achievement’.                     

Delivering Excellence and Equality in Scottish Education –

 A Delivery Plan for Scotland Scottish Government June 2016

Please click on the link and read the latest newsletter from the SCES Parent Involvement Working Group.

Parent Newsletter Lent 2018 2

Information Update

We are pleased to announce that our school will reopen tomorrow morning and classes will begin as normal at 8.55am.


We would also like to say a big thank you to our janitorial team who have worked tirelessly to ensure that, despite the continuing bad weather, the staff car park and pupil routes into the school are clear of snow.

Well done for all your hard work over the weekend.





Senior Phase Event







On Tuesday February 27 we are hosting an event for all parents of next years’ S4, S5 and S6 pupils.

In a change to previous events we are having subject discussions and presentations from staff and year heads in a variety of venues.

Subject specific stalls will be set up in the yellow and green social areas.  There will also be stalls in this area for university representatives, Developing The Young Workforce Ambassadors and Online Payment facilitators.

In addition there will also be a programme of 15 minute showcases from several departments  running throughout the event, and 2 half-hour workshops each in Hospitality and Cake Craft.

The theatre will be used to give presentations on the option forms for each year group at the following times.

New S6 6.30 New S4 7.00 New S5 7.30


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