Halloween Dragon’s Den

Members of the Pitch Perfect Public Speaking club took part in our Dragon’s Den Halloween public speaking competiton. To an audience is S1 pupils, pupils from S1 – S3 presented their spooky inventions to our audience and our dragons. The dragons were: Miss McUnicorn (Miss McDermid from Humanities), Mr Deed (Mr Reid from Humantites), MC Lil Hippity Hop (Mr Scott, PT English), Miss Cat Lover (Miss Love from Drama) Claudia Smart (Chloe Mather, S6 Vice Captain) and Cruella Deville (Fraser Burns, Ex Pupil). The Dragon’s played their roles exceptionally well and challenged our speakers with insightful questions which they all responded to with confidence.

The event was hosted by previous Dragon’s Den winners and current school captains Josh McColl (S6 School Captain) and Rachel McGarrity (House Captain).

The audience were also treated to some Halloween poetry readings from a selction of pupils from Miss Robertson’s S1 and S3 class.

The standard was incredibly high. However, our overall winners were:
First Place: Libby Hamill, Eve Loughridge and Kayleigh Dickson
Second Place: Andrew Tubey, Luke Hunter and Lewis Davidson
Third Place: Logan Thomson and Darren Dawson

Well done to all involved!

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