All Primary 7s from both classes enjoyed completing the yellow walk yesterday. Some even wanted to walk round a second time! It did rain a bit but weather was much better than we expected. Great to raise money for St Andrews Hospice too.
2D Shapes
Primary 7 have been looking at a range of 2D shapes. They used geoboards to see which ones they could make. Primary 7 , pick a 2D shape and describe it in as much detail as you can. How many different shapes can we think of?
Over the last couple of weeks Primary 7 have made both muffins and oaty fruit crunchies. We had lots of fun doing it. Has anyone tried making anything at home? Have you experimented with any other flavours or fruits?
Remember that we are making muffins tomorrow so make sure you have your permission letter with you if you haven’t brought it in already.
Science Investigation
Primary 7 all did a science investigation about the flow of electricity. Each group decided to investigate which materials or objects conduct electricity. Here are some photographs of them doing their work. Primary 7s – what did you find out from your investigation?
Outdoor PE Photos
Outdoor PE
Last week some Primary 7s led the learning during outdoor PE. They took a station and helped others to develop their skills in either netball, football, tennis or running. Well done to our two star leaders! There will be more opportunities next term for others to do the same.
Art Exhibition
After the vote today I can now announce that…the winning film is…Up!
Angles and Decimals 2
Your second problem should be about money. Think about all the topics we have covered – exchange rates, credit and debit cards, APR, hire purchase etc. Write your own problem about any of these topics.