All posts by Miss Hendrie

Remembrance Day

Robie made a delicious cake  complete with poppy.
Robie made a delicious cake complete with poppy.


To commemorate  Remembrance Day, Robie made a chocolate cake complete with a tank made from icing. You can see that he also included a beautifully crafted poppy made from icing too. Thank you Robie. Everyone in the class thought it was delicious.

We studied the artist Georgia O’Keeffe. Flowers fascinated Georgia and they were her favourite subject to paint. We decided to paint our poppies,  and like Georgia we wanted to explore shape, colour and texture. We decided to use watercolour, a media we hadn’t used before.  We painted our poppies over the poem Flanders Field.  Aren’t they beautiful?

World War 2 Homework Tasks


For our World War 2 topic we had to choose a homework activity to do which included building an Anderson Shelter with material and old junk found in the house. Some people also baked. Aimee McInnes made butter which she made with salt, double cream and milk. That’s not all though because she also made bread with no eggs. We couldn’t get a picture of Aimee because her bread and butter were so delicious that we ate it all before we could get a picture of it.  We now have another task to do. Stay tuned for picture of that.




Shared Planning


This is Primary 7’s Shared Planning. The children discussed what they already knew about WW2. They then suggested specific things that they wanted to find out. When this was done the children then suggested activities that they could do to find the answers to their questions. Well done P.7.

Primary 7


Welcome to Primary 7. Our teacher this year is Miss Hendrie. We are looking forward to an enjoyable but very busy year ahead. This will be our last year in Chapelhall Primary before moving on to secondary school. We have many events planned already for this year, including a Joint Carol Service, a Burns Supper, Kilbowie and of course our Graduation. We look forward to sharing our year with you here on the Blog and we hope to read your comments.

Reading to our Buddies

imageimageimageWe had a great afternoon today. We had the opportunity to read the stories that we had written to our Buddies. The stories had animals as the main characters. We chose animals because of the audience we were writing for . Our Buddies told us that they enjoyed the stories very much and wouldn’t change anything in them.