Category Archives: * Successful learner

Adverb Phrases

We have been learning about Adverb Phrases. An adverb phrase is a group of words not containing a verb, which tells us how, when or where something has happened. An Adverb Pharse gives the reader a clearer picture of what is happening.

For example;

  • The rocket took off in a huge burst of flames.
  • Yesterday morning, I planted some seeds.
  • The eagle built its nest on the mountain top.

The bold lettering shows the adverb phrases.

Write a sentence including an adverb phrase as your task this week. Try to highlight the phrase in italics or bold type or use brackets ( ) to show your understanding.


Multiplication challenge 1st December

Boys and girls, your challenge for this week is to choose 3 digits between 0-9 and create the 6 possible multiplication sums for them and mentally calculate the answer.

For example if I chose 3, 4 & 9 the possibilities are:

3 x 49 = 147         3 x 94 = 282

4 x 39= 156             4 x 93= 372

9 x 34 = 306            9x 43= 387

Have fun and I look forward to discussing your methods.

Reflections- Coordinates

We have been working recently on reading coordinates. We are able to plot coordinates on an x and y axis and some of us are able to create our own patterns and list the coordinates for others to follow!

We have some fabulous pieces in our assessment folders to show off our talents to you, but here’s a wee taster for just now!

Some of us enjoyed it so much that we did some bonus Hallowe’en homework for extra house points.

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Reflections – Addition

We have completed our topic of Addition within our Numeracy work. At first we found mental strategies quite challenging but after lots of practice we have become quite confident. We have been very successful in adding 3 and 4 digit numbers mentally and with standard written notation. We enjoyed using the smartboard, whiteboards, games and textbooks to work on our skills. As you can see by our topic assessments we are very proud of what we have achieved.

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Monthly Treat – September 2015

We had great fun last Thursday afternoon during our monthly treat time. It was fabulous to see all taking part and we enjoyed pushing ourselves during the challenges set for us.

We had to build a house of cards, catch as many coins as possible from our elbows, find how many spoons we could balance from different parts of our body and build a bridge using pasta and marshmallows.

Antoni and Ashton were amazing at catching coins, they both caught 19 in one shot! I wonder if you can challenge any of your family on any of these things.

A Democratic Society

What a great afternoon of learning today in primary 6! Our pupils were so animated and enthusiastic whilst learning about the Scottish government, political parties and creating a timeline of our first ministers, that my voice was hoarse from answering all of their questions by 3 o’clock! It’s great to have such a positive response to a lesson.

Now, your challenge for 10 Housepoints and 2 pebbles is to name the person who is widely considered to have been the first Prime Minister of Britain.

For an extra 10 Housepoints I would like you to tell me something new that you have learned so far about our topic.

Lets build those Housepoints primary 6, I will publish your answers on Friday morning.