A time for reflection!

Last week you all had a fabulous time either in school taking part in activities such as tent erecting and building water channels, or going to York and visiting amazing places like Beamish, the Jorvic Centre and Flamingo Land.

Tonight I would like you to reflect upon something that you learned during that week. It may be a specific skill, factual information or something about yourself and your own personality. Take some time to think about your reflection and use the reflective language that you have been taught in class.

21 thoughts on “A time for reflection!”

  1. I descovered while the I was in york that I like foods that I thought i didn’t like such as hot dogs and tomato soup . I also learned that I like drop rides as for one of my friends made me try the cliff hanger . The most challenging thing was being away from my mum .

  2. I had a fun time in York I really enjoyed myself I discovered that I could go on any ride myself or with friends or family I went on every ride I’m not a scaredy cat

  3. I have learnt in York that I was successful when we had to strip our own beds it was hard but then after it was easy I also learnt that I can stay away for 3 days without my family 🙂

  4. I learned that I like rollercosters and that they are really fun and exciting.I really enjoyed them. I am proud of myself because I tried rollercosters and I never go on rollercosters.

  5. I learned that when I was away to York I can do alot of things by myself and I didn’t need my parents that much, I realised that I am quite independent

  6. I discovered I am brave I may be scared but I’ll try new things like going on the mumbo jumbo and almost not being sick on the bus in the hat shaped sick bowl:)

  7. York was outstanding it was a once and a lifetime opportunity I also can’t believe I got picked out of everyone who got to go. Thank u the teachers who came for taking care of us.
    Now let’s get to the good stuff I learnt on my trip to York what the olden days were like and the old school. I really loved flamingo land and the zoo. The rides were amazing like the hero and the velocity (the motorbikes) and also the navigator. Me, Connor and lee sang cheerleader through it and the girls were screaming like mad. This was the best times away from home without my parents.

  8. I have learn to not miss my mum so much when I’m away with out her and its better when your with your friends and having fun u don’t even think about your mum

  9. I discovered that I can do thing on my own like strip my own bed fold all of my clothes get up early and get dressed and go on all of the rides without my mum and dad although I missed them so much I had a great time and my faviroute part was flamingo land

  10. I achieved going to York for a week and taking part in the adventure park and I loved bowling & going to all the shops I enjoyed flamingo land I liked my hotel I stayed in

  11. I learned that i can do the bed and set my close out for the next day and I folded them and packed my bag so I am proud

  12. I learned how the Vikings live and survive. I thought it was very interesting and made me think how tough life was before.At Beamish i learned how school was taught long ago.It was very strict and not much fun.My favourite part was flamingo land and the swings there.

  13. I like. About. The animals. In different. Contres they lived. In and I like the. Most was the. Egipsons turtles

  14. Excellent work everybody, I am so glad to see that many of you feel you have gained useful skills over the past couple of weeks. 20 House points for each entry.

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