The Human Body

Now that we have finished our learning on the Human Body let’s see what you can tell me!

1. The thing I found most interesting was……

2. The part that was of least interest to me was……..

3. Three things that I have learned are…..

4. Now I would like to find out more about ……….


20 House points for each person who submits their answers on the blog or in writing.

Please consider your spelling and punctuation when typing your answers.

43 thoughts on “The Human Body”

  1. 1-The thing I found most interesting in was sexes.
    2-The thing I found least interesting in was the mouth it just wasn’t very interesting to me.
    3-Three things I have learned are
    >what teeth we have like canie, moler and pre moler
    >how athe eye works with the brain
    >Muscles and bones and why we need them
    4-I would like to learn more of is diffrent sexes as that was my favourate thing
    And that is my human body knowledge

  2. 1) The thing i found most interesting was the skeleton and the pasta X-ray art we done.

    2) The part that was of least interest to me was the digestive system i did enjoy learning about all of it that was just the thing that was not the kind of thing i really enjoy learning about .

    3) Three things i have learned out of this topic are i now can name most of the bones in the skeleton , i know how the ear works and the eye .

    4) Now i would like to learn some more about how illnesses get into our bodies and how we catch them .

  3. 1 the digestive system
    2 the muscles
    3 how poop is made how we see and how we hear
    4 is nothing

  4. I think the most interesting thing is that your eye actually takes the picture upside down and your brain turns it the right way around.

    The thing I found lest interesting was the bones because I didn’t go into a lot of detail.

    A thing I learnt is that your teeth are stronger than concrete. Another thing I learnt is that you thigh bone is the biggest bone in the body and the last thing is that the stapes is the smallest bone in the body

    I would like to find out more about the brain and how it works.

  5. 1 The most interesting thing was the eye
    2 The part of least interest to me is teeth
    3 Three things I learned is that
    – When the liquid spins around in your ear it makes you dizzy
    – When you look at something it is upside down but the brain turns it the right way
    – The lungs help you breathe
    4 I would like to learn more about hair

  6. 1)the thing I found interesting was the eye because we got to learn about how it works.
    2)the part that was the least interesting was the muscles because we didn’t get to learn lots about it.
    3)I have learned about the bones and what there called,I have also learned about the teeth and what there called,I have also learned about the eye and how you see things.
    4)I would like to learn about how we are all different.

  7. 1 The thing what I found out what was interesting the most was how ur food makes u do the toilet.

    2 The part that was at least interest me was the ear.

    3 The 3 things what I have learned about is the eye, ear and the body parts.

    4 I would like to find out about urinen.

  8. 1: I found making the pop up books was interesting and making our x-Rays out of pasta
    2:I liked everything so it was all interesting
    3:I learnt the biggest bone in the body is the femur , the smallest bone is the stirup,that when a baby is born it doesn’t have a knee cap until your 3 I think
    4:I don’t mind

  9. The thing I found the most interesting was eye because i thought it was really cool how it works.:)
    I didn’t find learning about the teeth very interesting 🙂
    Three things I have learned are Your liver produces bile and the bile is stored in the golbaldder,When u look at something,it’s upside down and then your brain tells you that it’s not right so it gets turned round the correct way and that your femur is the strongest bone in the body:)

  10. Excellent Ellie, there are lots of sites for kids about the brain, let’s see what we can find in ICT next time.

  11. Excellent response Jack. We are going on to learn more about our development in the next 2 weeks.

  12. I loved making the Pop up books that was the most interesting part to me because I liked labelling and colouring them in

    The thing I found least interesting was the digestive system I liked all of the things but that was the one I found just a tiny bit less interesting

    I found learning all of the bones most interesting because I know most of them know of by heart

    I would like to learn more about our selfs and how we can feel happy exited sad and how we can have feelings xxx

  13. I thought the scale ton was going to be boring but it turned out it is very interesting about the teeth a thought teeth were bones and it turned out to be very wots the word fascinating.

    I thinked everything was interesting

    The muscles
    The ear
    The teeth
    The eye
    The joint’s

    I want to learn about how serious illnesses and illnesses that have medicines but you can dey from to and medicines

  14. 1. Digestive system
    2. Muscles
    3. The 3 things that I have learned about is the eye, ear, and body parts
    4. I would like to learn how the brain works

  15. The thing I most enjoyed was the skeleton
    The least thing I enjoyed was the digestive system
    The three things I have learned are babie are born without knee caps ,when you look at something it is upside down and how the ear works
    I would like it to learn more about the brain

  16. 1. The thing I found most interesting was the ear
    2. The part that wasn’t interesting was the eye
    3. Three things I have learned about are the eye the ear the skeleton and the muscles
    4. I would like to learn more about my hair
    I have enjoyed this topic

  17. 1) The thing I found most intresting was modelling the eye and ear with clay .
    2) The thing I found the least intresting was the muscles
    3) Three things I have learned
    * the digestive system
    * the bones
    * the femur
    4) I would like to learn how u grow xxx

  18. The thing I found most interesting was naming all the bones in a skeleton.The part I found least interesting was finding out about muscles. Three things I have learned are the workings of the ear,how the eyes work and all about teeth. Now I would like to find out how the nose works.

  19. 1.I found the eye the most interesting
    2.I found the mouth the least interesting
    3.I now know how the digestive system works, I now know how your eye works,I now know how your ear works
    4.I would like to know how we catch illnesses

  20. 1, The thing I found most interesting was the digestive system

    2, The thing that wasn’t interesting was the eye and the ear

    3, Three things I have learned are the digestive system , the skeleton and the muscles

    4, I would like to learn more about my hair

    I have enjoyed this topic

  21. 1.the skeleton
    2.the muscles and the lungs
    3.a healthy bone is baige .an unhealthy lung is black,the heart has 4 chambers
    4.the nose.

  22. I found most interesting was learning the names of the bones
    I did not really like it when we were learning about the muscles
    I have learn what pelvis does and what the thie bone is and the thie
    I would like to find more about what the things do

  23. 1. The thing I found most interesting was teeth layers .
    2. The part that wasn’t interesting was the eye .
    3. The three things that I have are that when you look at something it is upside down , how the ear works and that your femur bone is the biggest in your body .
    4. I would like to learn more about the brain and the whole head – hair too .

  24. Good work Emily, we did not cover the nose, maybe you could find out some facts for me.

  25. Well done Freddie. We didn’t cover the nose, maybe you could research dome facts for me.

  26. 1.Brain
    2.tongue to no how digestive system works and eyes and ears do you catch a bug.

  27. 1 i liked learning about mussels 2 I didn’t like learning about X-rays
    3 ears joints and muscles worked 4 moods

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