What have we learned?

Well a week has passed since we visited The Risk Factory. I wonder what you can remember.

Your task for this week to is comment under each photo to answer the question.

1. Electricity. Explain what happened in this scenario and tell me why did the light bulb go out at where it was being touched?

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2. The Building Site – Explain some of the dangers that were involved in this situation.



3. The Flood – which things would be the most important to take with you in the event of a flood?


4. The Fire – What should you have done in the situation of the trapped neighbour?

5. The Road Accident –  What things could have contributed to this accident happening?




29 thoughts on “What have we learned?”

  1. Tell him to go in a room open the window and put a blanket or something under the door to keep the smoke put

  2. 1.The light bulb went out because it was not getting an eletric charge
    2.the girl could fall off the metal frame, the little boy could puncture his scull by skateboarding up the plank of wood and getting hit on the head by a pick axe.
    3. The most important things to take are wellies, mobile phone, water, dog lead, quilt, medicines, ruck sack and radio.
    4. Stayed outside and gave advice.
    5. Drink driver as beer bottle in the car. Not wearing hi vis jacket. Shoe laces loose.

  3. 1.it was a boy and his ball fell in the electricity sub station and he went in to get it and he got electrocuted and the light bulb went out when the White pole wasn’t on it
    2.the coke bottle was all dirty and someone young could drink it the same with the Botle of water it was actually tucx sharp objects
    3.phone laptop iPod first aid box back pack medicine water baby’s bottle wellies
    4.tell him to put something at the door to stop the smoke and fire spreading tell him to open the window and sit there till help comes
    5.the girl should have tied her shoes and put on her helmet make sure her bike was safe to ride

  4. 1) the electricity was following our hand. It was trying to get the quickest why to the ground.
    2)at the building site the little girl was climbing and fell. The boy went in to get his skateboard and he hut his face off the pickaxe.
    3)bag,torch,wellies,blanket,water bottle
    4)you should call 999 and ask for an ambulance and tell them your street name and the number of the house
    5)the girl on her bike with out a helmet,shoes not tied,she was wearing dark clothes
    The driver looking at the map,drunk,

  5. 1.In this scenario a boy had kicked his football into an electricity transformer and decided to go and get it which was very dangerous.
    2.there was a lot of very dangerous chemicals and tools.It was very dangerous for the girl and boy to be playing near a building site because it is very unsafe to.
    3.In the event of a flood the most important things you should take are a torch,first aid,a phone to call for help and a blanket to keep you warm
    4.You should phone the Fire Brigade and get help to get him out safely
    5. The things that could have caused the accident were the alcohol,The girl not wearing her helmet,Her not wearing bright clothes at night and she not having lights on her bike when its late at night

  6. 1: i can’t remember this one but think the light bulb went out because all the energy was getting used by other things .

    2:some of the dangers in the building site where :
    > that a little girl was climbing up on the poles
    >there was chemicals lying all over the place
    >machines that looked like play ground toys that you would very badly hurt yourself on
    >and liquids that look like water but are not

    3:incase of a flood you should take :
    >first aid kit
    >milk (if you have a baby)

    4:in the fire we should have told him to put himself in a room put a pillow against the door or something to keep the smoke from coming in and open a window and stay low under the open window and it the fire started to get to the room consider evacuation from the house and not to panic

    5:the road accident could have been caused because:
    >the girls brakes were not working
    >she did not have her helmet on
    >she was all in dark
    >her hair was down
    >and her laces were not tied

  7. 1The scenario was a boy getting his ball at a fuse box. The light bulb went out because the electricity is going through you and onto the floor.
    2.The dangers of the building-site were people climbing scaffolds , liquids in juice bottles , big holes not covered , no gates to keep pedestrians out and high risks of getting poisoned.
    3.If there happened to be a flood in Scotland I would take the most needed things with me.
    4.We should have shouted instructions such as open the window, shut the door and block any gaps at the door
    5.The thing I assume happened was a cyclist avoided road works and a drunk driver came flying out a junction and the cyclist’s brakes weren’t working so it hit he cyclist got hit

  8. I think ……
    1\ the light bulb went where it was being touched because our hand or the stick was conducting it
    2\ she is climbing in the scaffolding and was only holding in with one hand
    3\the bag ,wellies,water,first aid kit,torch,gloves and a radio . If you had a dog or baby you would need a leish or a bottle
    4\we should have the Nieghbour not to worry and stay next to a window and to also put towels over the bottom of the door so it doesn’t let more smoke in
    5\ she wasn’t wearing a helmet or the car wasn’t consentrating .

  9. 1. The boy got eletrocuted when he went into the electricity transformer to get his ball that he kicked over the fence. The light went out to show that the ambulance would have to turn the power of which left the hospital without power.

    2. A danger is the little girl could fall and die or get very badly injured another is the little boy on the skate board the boys skate board could have rolled and and the pick axe could have went in his eye.

    3. Phone,water,first aid kit,flash light,blanket,medicine,gloves,bag and welly boots.

    4. We should have old him to cover the door with a blanket to keep the smoke out and open a window.

    5.She should have wore bright clothes,her hi-viz vest was under her jacket,there was a beer bottle in the car and the driver could have been drunk also there was 2 car seats which means the driver could have been distracted also there was a building site and the sides were inside instead of out.

  10. we have learned how to stay safe when alone which we should not be in the dark and we have learned not to just run in front of cars or fight on train tracks there was a guy that was fighting with another guy and he stood on the track waiting for the train to come over him and then he ran when the train came and the train caught his shoe.

  11. when you touch the light with a bit of metal it glows because of the electronics flying throw the metal and touching the light makes it glow.

  12. 1. The light bulb went out of place because it didn’t have an electric charge
    2. The girl could fall and be there until the construction site opens again,in the winter the girl could die and in the summer she could survive.the boy on the wood plank could of burst his eyeball
    3.what I think you would need is a first aid kit,a pair of boots,backpack,maybe gloves and you will need a phone to call someone to help.
    4.tell him to open the window let some fresh air in and let the smoke out and to put something at the doors to stop the smoke coming in.
    5.i think the driver was drunk was to beysey looking at the map,the girl did not have her helmet on didnt have her bright thing on and the chain of the bike was broken

  13. 1.The boy went in to get his ball and the electricity jumped and gave him an electric shock
    2. >A little girl was climbing a pole
    >Chemicals were left out
    >Drills were left out
    3.>Phone >Torch >radio >Flood kit >Welly’s (maybe
    4.Tell him to go to his bedroom put a blanket at the door so the smoke would not come in and open a window
    5.>The girl-hair in a pony tail >we’re her luminous vest >tie her laces
    >The bike-tighten chain >we’re helmet >light on it >fix the brakes
    >The car-no alcohol >no phone on dash bored >kids in car when doing it

  14. The things you should take if a flood happens is flood kit wellingtons rucksack phone water bottle and first aid kit

  15. 1. The light bulb was not getting electric change
    2. The little girl was climbing on the scaffolding an the boy was skateboarding on the piece of wood which made him fall into a pick-axe and there was white spirit
    3. Water a bag pack a phone and a baby bottle
    4. Give him advice on what to do (tell him to get himself in a room close the door put things at the door so smoke can’t get underneath the door and open a window )
    5. The car drove out fast gave the girl a fright slammed the breaks on ( back one broke ) went over the bars and the is how it was done .

  16. 1.the boy went in to get his ball and got aletricuted and the light bulb stopped working when the White stuck came off of it
    2.the little girl climbing/poison things/drills/the little boy skateboarding at sharp things/ladders/no one there
    3.phone/water/first aid/torch/backpack/blanket
    4.never go back in when there is a fire and we should have gave the man next door advice like open ur window and put a towel under the door
    5.she should have put her bright jacket in instead of it being tucked in to her trousers/tie her hair back/tie her laces/were brighter clothes/had her bike checked before she went out/the person in the car could have been looking at there phone the map or they were drinking

  17. 1. The boy kicked his ball into the electric sub station and went in to get it but he got eletricuted and the light blub was going to where it was touched.
    2.the girl was only holding on with one hand and the boy was on the skate board .
    3.first aid , phone , rAdio , water , torch , medicine , gloves , blanket , bag and boots and if there was a baby or pet u would take a bottle and a lead .
    4. I would get any in juried people out and tell the neighbours what was going on and also I would him to to put a blanket down at the door so no smoke come in and open a window
    5. Driver was drunk and girl wasn’t where ing a helmet x

  18. It was because the boy went in the electriston box and the people’s who come to save him need to tarn election off so they can be safe and not get hurt

  19. 2 if u play with builders tools say u took a hammer and it landed on your feet and also if u try to climb it you could just fall off and if u see a water bottel and u drink it it may not be water

    3you should take medicine boots bag baby food if u have small kids blancet phone .plasters and stuff like that

    4 you should call the firebagade for help and that is 999 and its a free call so u can do it anytime and if he says his keys are in a house where the fire is u should not go back in call 999

    5the girl was ridding her bike the breaks did not work and her laces where loos she should of wore bright close the man had a beer can and 2 kids in the back

  20. I’ve learned not to run in front of cars any don’t roach electric things don’t play in a building site and what to do in a fire

  21. the electricity was following your hand and when it hit the ground it went out.the pikaxe turpentine scaffolding bricks. radio blanket milk first aid kit phone water gloves wellies torch and backpack.i would open the window and stuff blankets under the door and call 999.she did not have brakes and her luminous jacket was covered and the car was in a place where no parking.

  22. An excellent response boys and girls, well done. Clearly you were all exercising your listening skills and have retained lots of information. Thankyou to those who were unable to leave a comment on the blog but have handed in a written response.

    20 House Points to all those who have contributed an answer.

    Watch out for next weeks task!

  23. I learnd about don’t touch the person if their are electricuted if they fall in to electric poles

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