All posts by Mr Murray

Forestry Commission

We had a great morning on Monday when we went a forest walk with three members of staff from the Forestry Commission.  We took part in three activities which were finding and identifying bugs, making faces and insects on trees with clay and learning to guide our partners through the forest while blindfolded.  These activities were part of our work towards the John Muir award and we really enjoyed ourselves.

John Muir Work

We have been working extremely hard this week in Honeywell Habitats to create our Welly Garden and tidy our garden area.  The boys and girls are well on their way to achieving their John Muir award by completing 40 hours of environmental work.  Well done everyone I’m very proud of you.

Callendar House

We had a fantastic trip today to Callendar House today and took part in a workshop about the Romans.  All pupils did a fantastic job of answering questions and the staff leading the worship were very impressed with their knowledge.  I was very proud of the children today and they represented our school in a very positive way.  Have a look at the pictures from our great day out.

Food Choices

P4/5 have been working very hard this morning on writing a report about the issues which affect our food choices.  They came up with some great ideas like health concerns, religious practices and cost.