All posts by Miss Irvine

P4 Allotment Visit!

P4 enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Chapelhall Allotment! We learned a lot about what plants need to grow and how to look after them properly. We also learned some tricks to keep the insects and birds away from our growing plants! We watered the plants, planted some flowers and also planted our leeks that we have been growing in class for the last few weeks. Thank you Mrs Raeburn for a fantastic trip!


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Maths Magicians!

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P4 have worked very hard over the past few weeks on their multiplication skills! We now all know our 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table off by heart, (some even know the 8)! We can use the written method of multiplication to multiply a 2 digit and 3 digit number! We can even multiply a number by 10 and by 100 mentally and in written form! Well done on your super hard work!

Cooking Week – Herby Cheese Scones!

For cooking week P4 made herby cheese scones! We discussed the importance of washing our hands and carefully following a recipe ! We mixed all of the ingredients together until we made a sticky dough! We then used scone cutters to get a perfect scone shape! For our writing lesson we have written the recipe so we can make them at home! We all loved the end product, yum yum!!

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