All posts by Mrs Murray

Final Term!

Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun? Can you believe this is the last term of Primary 1? The children have grown so much in height and in confidence. Well done to them all. Here is our last shared planner. Please check out the dates for our special events. This term is always busy. Primary 1a and 1b will take to the stage for our class assembly and school show.

Class Assembly – Wed 1st June 2pm

School Shows 15th and 16th June. More details will follow later in the term

shared planner 2

Measuring with paper clips?!

Today we looked at how to measure different things. We are working with non-standard units, so we used paper clips, cubes and blocks to measure straight lines. We discussed how the objects we were using to measure, should be the same size and how we should line them up with no gaps. As ever, P1b did a really good job and worked well together 🙂 Have a look…



Let’s Go Fly a Kite!

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageAs part of our Science topic, Our Moving Toys, we looked at toys that move through the power of nature. We made out own kits with carrier bags and string. We decorated them by writing our names in bubble writing. We flew them up on the AstroTurf and had great fun!

Summerlee Trip

imageimageimage imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageWe had a wonderful adventure at Summerlee! P1b had a workshop all about transport and how it has changed. After our lunch we had to wait on the fire brigade coming, because the alarm went off! We played in the park and got a ride on the tram. Even though it started to rain, we still had a great day!

Mapping Skills

imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageWe were enjoying the dry weather today! We had to follow instructions on a card and mark out our steps with chalk. We have been working on position and movement in class and today we took our knowledge outside and worked together in teams!

ICT week

This week is our week to have the set of class laptops. Today we talked about different parts of the computer and then we had a go. It was a lot of fun, but tricky too! At the end of the day we chatted about what we wanted to work on this week to improve our ICT skills.

A Big Catch Up!

We have been so busy in P1b! Here are a few snippets of what we have been up to.

Building with the new Kapla blocks. Thanks to the PTA for the funding. Some older children couldn’t resist helping with the construction! Up next…

Dressing up! As part of the ‘people who help us’ topic we made a hospital in the class. We used the soft toys as the patients!

We have been looking a graphs and other aspects of information handling. We made an interactive eye colour pictogram and then we used the information to make our own graph on our worksheet. Phew! Last, but not least, here is our plan for parents.

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