A Big Catch Up!

We have been so busy in P1b! Here are a few snippets of what we have been up to.

Building with the new Kapla blocks. Thanks to the PTA for the funding. Some older children couldn’t resist helping with the construction! Up next…

Dressing up! As part of the ‘people who help us’ topic we made a hospital in the class. We used the soft toys as the patients!

We have been looking a graphs and other aspects of information handling. We made an interactive eye colour pictogram and then we used the information to make our own graph on our worksheet. Phew! Last, but not least, here is our plan for parents.

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2 thoughts on “A Big Catch Up!”

  1. WOW! How clever you are! These are really complicated. You must have worked together well in teams to make these models:) You have been working on lots of different aspects of your learning and it great to see you enjoying it too:)

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