3E Chemistry (Mr McCranor)

We are aware that the class team for this class is missing. Students who should be attending just now (Tuesday 12/1 Periods 1 + 2) can access the following resources until the class team is restored.

Key Area 3:  Formulae: Lesson  1 – Prefixes

Please download the slide show and click view from beginning, completing tasks in your jotter.

The assignment to be completed that is mentioned in the slides will be issued via Teams once the Team has been recovered.

S3 Biology, Chemistry and Physics [2020-21]

Following up from the Chemists post, all S2 pupils who selected a science in S3 should join the MS Team using the codes below.

Chemistry –      dd1kzdl

Biology –            rd050ey

Physics –            8fk9mu7

If you are having trouble with your glow log in details, please contact your Pupil Support teacher to sort out access.


S3 Chemistry [2020-21]

Can any of our current S2 pupils who are about to move into S3 and will be studying Chemistry next year join our S3 Chemistry Microsoft Team with this code: dd1kzdl

Feel free to have a look around the resources and channels there. We will be setting you work and tasks from Monday.

S2 Science

Hello everyone,

Answers have now been Posted

Check out MS Teams- We will post work in there going forward

Now you have moved into S2, your weekly tasks will be found within the S2 Folder in the Science Faculty Website. To ensure you have all the skills required to be successful, you will be working on numeracy tasks to begin with. Follow the link below to access your first weeks task. We will follow the same model as before. Tasks will be posted at the start of the week, with answers posted at the end of the week.

S2 Science Numeracy Skills

S1 and S2 Science Tasks

Answers for this weeks tasks have now been posted!!

As we are moving into our new year groups, we will no longer be updating this Work at Home page, but keep your eyes open for new tasks being posted beginning 26th May.

Click here to access your tasks!!

Tasks can also be accessed by selecting the science tab in the menu, and then Science Tasks to Do at Home.

Higher Chemistry 2020/21

If you’ve been doing the work for Higher Chemistry over the last 4 weeks you’ll have covered 3 topics:

  • The Periodic Table
  • Bonding & Structure
  • Periodic Table Trends

These topics can be found on the Scholar website as part of the first Higher Chemistry Unit, ‘Chemical Changes & Structure’.

If you don’t have your own log-in details you can use:

User Name: ORG1002732  Password: ziw3xej


An easier week this week! All you have to do is complete this Unit 1 Higher Quiz to determine ‘Chemist of the Month’. The quiz is 20 multiple choice questions; 5 from each of the three topics and 5 SQA exam questions.

Anyone who is a bit behind should use this week to catch up can send in their quiz answers at the end of the week. Just e-mail Mr Clark with the 20 letters in the correct order(rclark@cumbernauldac.n-lanark.sch.uk) and he will mark them, return your results individually and post the winner(s) next week.

Looking forward to lots of marking, I’m starting to miss it!

Good Luck,


Mr Clark, Mr Linnen & Mr McCranor



S3 and S4 Biology

S3 and S4 Biologists…

Weekly tasks will now be set every Monday starting from next week. The tasks will appear on the Microsoft teams page that you have been added to. Check that you can access this through Glow.

Although we will post answers for you to check your work on Fridays, we’d love to see anything you have completed! We miss teaching you so much! You can email your teacher photos or word docs of your work 🙂

Higher Chemistry 2020/21

If the students who are intending to study Higher Chemistry have engaged with the tasks set over the last three weeks they should have completed the ‘Periodic Table’ and ‘Bonding & Structures’ topics of the first Unit, ‘Chemical Changes & Structure’, from the Scholar website.

Over the next week students should work through the ‘Periodic Table Trends’ topic.

If you’re not up to speed yet, don’t race through the work to catch up. Work through the topics thoroughly rather than quickly, it’s not a race.


We appreciate that you’re getting little teacher input at this stage, so make sure you do the topic tests, take a note of the things you’re getting wrong and contact one of the chemistry teachers by email if you require help.


Mr ClarkMr Linnen and Mr McCranor.

S3 Chemist of the Week (Results and Review)

Another tough week of competition saw Beth F from 3H not only become our first two-time Chemist of the Week, but also lead 3H to another table topping performance. Well done to Beth and everyone who took part.

Chemist of the Week Results (Week Four)


Chemistry Class Average Score (/10) Class Champion


3H (Mr Linnen) 7.67 Beth F (9)
2nd 3I (Mr Linnen) 5

Lewis S (5)

3rd 3D (Mr McCranor) 4.5

Amy K (7)

4th 3D (Mr Linnen) 0

Class Results (Weeks 1-4)

Position Chemistry Class Points


3H (Mr Linnen) 15


3D (Mr McCranor) 11
3rd 3I (Mr Linnen)


4th 3D (Mr Linnen)


If you missed any of the previous weeks quizzes, or just want to try them again you can using the links below. While these won’t affect the league tables, they are a good chance to revise and improve on your scores and knowledge!

Week One Quiz

Week Two Quiz

Week Three Quiz

Week Four Quiz

S3 Revision Materials

Scholar have opened up access to their website and materials to support pupils in S3 in their preparation for S4. Log into their website at the link below with the username and password provided to access all of the Scholar materials including National 5 Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Username – ges3nat5

Password – bird70pear

Scholar Website

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