Tag Archives: maths

Trip to Disneyland

EuroDisney 19The annual Maths trip to Disneyland Paris took place earlier this month. Forty pupils greatly enjoyed their visit to Euro Disney – they were given the opportunity to design their own rollercoaster and were very impressed with the results.  They also had a fantastic time visiting the parks and the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show.  Special thanks to the four members of staff who freely gave up their time to provide such an unforgettable experience for the pupils: Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Johnstone, and Mr Leitch.

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P7 Maths Challenge

Pupils from our cluster primary schools, Dykehead, Stane, Allanton, Alexander Peden and Kirk O’ Shotts Primary Schools, took part in the recent Maths Challenge at Calderhead High School. Well done to all the pupils who took part – we were impressed by their math skills. Competition was fierce and the winners were :

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This was Kirk O’Shotts first time participating in the Challenge so a special congratulations to them.

The Challenge had four rounds: the puzzle round, cross number, stations and relay. Thank you to the S4/5 pupils for helping on the day especially Emma Gilfillan who helped organise and run the event.

Pi Day

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in maths to show the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter ( approx 3.14159).

S1 pupils helped mark Pi day by investigating circles in class.

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Maths Week Scotland 2017

As part of Maths Week Scotland, S3 pupils Jordan Muir and Lewis Campbell were invited to attend the UKMT Mathematical Circle hosted at the University of Strathclyde.
The event entailed a series of lectures and workshops for the most talented mathematicians in Scotland. Jordan especially enjoyed the hands on approach of the workshops and both agreed that it was a great experience.

The Maths Department in Calderhead also took part in an online Sumdog Competition for all S1 and S2 pupils, with S3 to S6 pupils taking part in a number of team based problem solving competitions.

PI Day

Pi Day
Pi Day S1

Pi Day is celebrated on 14th March around the world and Calderhead High School enjoyed some fun ‘pi’ activities.

Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent  the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. The BBC produced a great guide to pi (t.co/wvwpvzl4vP).