Tag Archives: french

Multilingual debate at Heriot Watt

HW Multi lingual debateS3 linguists from Calderhead High School’s Modern Languages Department recently attended Heriot-Watt University’s Multilingual Debate at their campus in Edinburgh. The debate is an annual event that showcases the interpreting skills of students on the University Languages (Interpreting and Translating) degree programmes, and takes the form of a formal debate with two multilingual teams arguing for and against a motion of topical interest in a range of languages. The motion this year was: “This House believes that social media present a serious threat to the health and safety of young people.” Our pupils participated in the debate by listening to the arguments, putting questions to the speakers in the languages represented and voting on the motion. Pupils also enjoyed a Confucius Workshop, particularly the free food samples on offer! Everyone really enjoyed their day at Heriot Watt University.

Visit to the GFT

S2 Modern Language pupils attended the Glasgow Film Theatre recently to watch the acclaimed French film, Un Sac de Billes (A Bag of Marbles).

Based on the famous  memoirs of Joseph Joffo, this film tells his incredible story as a young Jewish boy living in France during the Second World War. When he was ten years old, his father gave him and his brother Maurice some money and a map and sent them on a dangerous mission to escape Nazi-occupied Paris to the demilitarised zone in the South. The boys suffered many hardships and witnessed horrific acts.

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Pupils attend Multilingual Debate at Heriot Watt


Calderhead High School’s Higher French class recently enjoyed the multilingual debate  at Heriot Watt University and all agreed that: “It was amazing!”

This is an annual event that showcases the interpreting skills of  students at Heriot Watt and  takes the form of a formal debate with two multilingual teams arguing for and against a motion of topical interest in a range of languages. Schools from all over Scotland participated in the debate by listening to the arguments, putting questions to the speakers in the languages represented and voting on the motion.