Welcome to our school.
For us education is not simply about academic results, but is also about achievement in a much wider sense. We encourage our young people to develop their talents and gifts to their fullest, and seek to equip them with the skills and qualifications necessary for success in the 21st century.
Our new, state-of-the-art school opened to pupils on August 20 2012. The facilities are first rate and include a fitness suite, drama studio, assembly hall, social dining area and recording studio alongside our excellent general purpose and specialist classroom areas. In addition, specialist outdoor 3G playing fields are available to pupils during the school day and to the community after school hours.
The school serves the community of Shotts and the surrounding areas of Harthill, Eastfield, Hartwood and Allanton. There are 5 local primary schools which form part of the Calderhead Cluster: Alexander Peden Primary, Allanton Primary, Dykehead Primary, Kirk O’Shotts Primary and Stane Primary. Strong links are established with all of our cluster schools and we work hard to ensure that pupil transition is as smooth as possible for pupils and parents.
School has a major role to play in a young person’s development, but it can’t work in isolation. We need to work with parents/carers and the pupils themselves to ensure that we can deliver for our young people everything that is expected of them in becoming Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors: phrases which are well-recognised as the cornerstones for a Curriculum for Excellence, but which
embody all the life skills that we would wish for our young people.