Attendance and why missing school is missing out.

The biggest single thing parents and carers can do to improve a pupil’s attainment is to make sure that they have excellent attendance.  Spoiler alert, you cannot have excellent attendance if you take term time holidays or regularly have days off such as a Friday.

Why is attendance at school so important?

Having excellent attendance at school is key to your child having the best opportunity to learn, and therefore the best start in life.

Below are some great reminders of why it’s important for our children to attend school:

  • To learn
  • To meet friends and socialise
  • To build and develop social skills
  • To understand responsibility
  • To develop a healthy work ethic
  • To be active
  • To gain new experiences in life
  • To develop new life skills – useful for life in the workplace, as well as at home and in the community
  • To develop a wider sense of self
  • To encounter and learn about different beliefs / religions / cultures
  • To grow as individuals into mature young adults
  • To gain qualifications in preparation for moving onto a positive destination
  • To achieve their full potential

We have put together an information sheet on why everyday counts and why missing school is missing out.

Attendance Support document for parents June 2024